IHPCL Research Review Karsten Schwan Matt Wolf Neil Bright and many additional Sciences/Eng/CS/ECE collaborators College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology
Today’s Participants Computing: Ken Mackenzie, Santosh Pande, Kishore Ramachandran, Andre Dos Santos, Ling Liu Applications: several, with one demo courtesy of Satish Menon’s group
Cluster Hardware
IHPCL and Systems Research Cluster and Machine Benchmarking HPC and interactive applications (Neil Bright, Matt Wolf, others) DEOS Project - intra-clusters and `periphery’ with Yamacraw effort (Karsten Schwan) Dynamic kernel extension (Linux) - `pushing code’ into kernels Adaptable wireless communications (Java- and C-based) ASAN Project (Active System Area Networks) with ECE and Critical Systems Lab (Ken Mackenzie) ` Pushing’ code into the network Working with NICs and programmable routers Flow Computing Stampede: models for cluster/stream programming (Kishore Ramachandran), Phil Hutto Additional demos courtesy of Suresh Menon, Matt Wolf Security Research smart cards and... (Andre Dos Santos)
DEOS: Quality-controlled Information Flows in Heterogeneous Systems – Homes, Communities, Field Systems Karsten Schwan Yuan Chen Lynn Daley Jasmina Jancic Christian Poellabauer David Robinson Dong Zhou Southern Polytechnic State University Dr. Juan Carlos Guzmán University of Georgia Dr.David Lowenthal Dr. Surendar Chandra
PalmTop Decoder iPAQ or Laptop High End DisplayStream ManagmentContent Provider Possible MPEG decoder locations and resulting communications for a video delivery system Decoder bitmaps MPEG frames EXAMPLE: Video Streams
Research Problems/Solutions Multiple information providers, transformers, consumers (e.g., consider large wireless systems) Continuous Service Delivery despite changes in resources (e.g., consider wireless) Client-specific service delivery (e.g., PDAs vs. laptops, Java vs. C, Linux vs. PalmOS) Dynamic client behavior (e.g., runtime interest changes) Real-time performance Support publish/subscribe paradigm with flexible service location: ECho, JECho, dyn. filters Offer continuously `useful’ services through client-specific dynamic service adaptation Differentiate among clients at connection establishment; offer multi- and cross-platform support (e.g., XML) Continuously update client `profiles’ (i.e., ‘dynamic portals’) Runtime configuration of open source system: e.g., use ECalls and K-ECho to monitor available resources and current needs.
Middleware: ECho, JECho: online channel control (e.g., client- based control, inline filtering) and monitoring Proactive Directory Services ELinux: Runtime OS extension for open platforms ECalls and K-ECho QoS-aware packet and task scheduling using DWCS QSockets Application-specific channel bonding Extensible cluster-wide /proc ASAN Project - next Ongoing Research
Programming Abstractions D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D Application Operating System Co-processor Network C1C2C3C4 C1 C2 C3 C4 Basic Approach: Composed Flows on Extensible Platforms (Middleware) (Language Technologies)
Application Component Host Extension Modules Active NI Middleware/OS Active Network Host Application Component OS Active NI Composition and Platform Extension
Major advances in computing systems in the next decade and beyond will arise from integration of technologies to solve new problems and generate new capabilities. The role of the center is to promote such synergy via capabilities for experimentation. The center provides the infrastructure to support experimental efforts in the design of the future generations of computing systems and software. Center for Experimental Research in Computer Systems (CERCS)