Developing Working Neighbourhood Teams in Salford Kick off session NDC 11 th May 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing Working Neighbourhood Teams in Salford Kick off session NDC 11 th May 2009

Purpose of this presentation To provide an overview of Working Neighbourhoods Teams –Why and where we need them –What they will look like and how they will work –How they will be supported –Why your skills & knowledge are needed To stimulate discussion, exploration, understanding…

Why Working Neighbourhood Teams? Skills and Work as the ‘point’ of neighbourhood renewal “There should be a stronger emphasis on interventions aimed at developing the ability of people to get into and to stay in work. Key delivery agents will need to work together at the local and neighbourhood level to tackle worklessness…. The Government would expect local authorities to build on existing neighbourhood management structures………….” 2007 Sub National Review of Economic Development and Regeneration

Political & Executive Agreement Secured

Why and where? We have 41 super output areas with over 25% of working age adults claiming out of work benefits Local Area Agreement Target Super Output Areas

Roll out: go beyond the spikes to other LAA target areas Ordsall and Langworthy Eccles NDC Area Higher & Lower Broughton Little Hulton and Walkden Swinton Claremont and Weaste Irlam and Cadishead Apr 2009 Sep 2009 Apr 2010

16.5% Young People are Not in Education, Employment or Training 4 areas in NDC: More than third People out of work & on benefits High levels of smoking and binge drinking Kersal: highest unauthorised school absence rate in Salford Over 50% Children in Whit Lane; Duchy; and; Lower Kersal live In workless families 23% households have someone With a limiting, long term illness Areas around Littleton Rd in Lower Kersal are Teenage Pregnancy hotspots 50% Reception & Yr6 children in Littleton Rd area of Lower Kersal measured as obese NDC: Key facts

73% residents are satisfied with the area as a place to live 76% residents say that they feel Safe in the NDC area 80% residents are satisfied with local health facilities Educational attainment has improved to within 2% of the City average The burglary rate in the NDC area is only 2% 36% residents feel part of the local community Proportion of adults with no qualifications reduced from 38% to 27%

JOB In Work Support Train to Gain JCP Education FE HE 13 Weeks No Wrong Door - Small army of people with personal relationships & contact opportunities Local Management Team Joint Commissioning at centre Coordinate joined up delivery; Inform commissioning Campaigns; Ways of working; Joint activities; Information sharing Police i i Confidence building Skills for life Skills & Work IAG Crime Benefit advice Customer Information System Financial advice Enterprise activity Parenting Manage a caseload & guide shoppers through the store Health Trainers Community Champions TeachersYouth Workers CDWs Working Neighbourhoods Teams A ‘Department Store’ of joined - up support Family support i Child- care Drug & alcohol Health support/ activity Housing support ‘Personal Shoppers’ Common Assess -ment Skills and Work; AACS; Connexions; Next Step.. Crime/ GPsHousing Officers i ‘Front Liners’ offending

Engagement & Outreach Central Support Service Offer Project Structure – Creating the Department Store Leadership & Co-ordination

- Excellent community intelligence and insight, and a clear view of local needs and opportunities. This is informed by personal relationships as well as data and customer and community profiles. - Strong collective capacity to identify and engage constructively with the people we aim to support. We pool our knowledge and capacity to enable this. - Strong demand and desire for the services we offer, supported by clear incentives and a focus on raising aspirations. - Excellent community and inter agency communications. Local communities and community and voluntary organisations are at the heart of our engagement and outreach work. Getting Customers to the Store

Delivering the Department Store - Improving outcomes in skills, work, enterprise and child and family poverty is a major shared priority for services and communities - Services are integrated where they need to be, and designed around a single view of the needs of the individual, with clear ownership and coordination of customer journeys - Services are flexible and able to respond to local needs to remove barriers. There is scope and support to enable local innovation. - Local communities and community and voluntary organisations play a central role in delivery.

Managing the Store Salford Council Cabinet & LSP Neighbourhood Partnership Board Community Committee Area Co-ordinators Neighbourhood Management Skills & Work Co-ordinators WN Management Team (you!) Central Support Data, Research & Intelligence Joint Commissioning Performance Management Pump Priming Finance Human Resources Technology

CHARLESTOWN/LOWER KERSAL NDC PARTNERSHIP The NDC model for Skills and Work: UNIVERSAL SERVICES LOCALITY PROVISION Social Prescription Successful Transitions Social Media Centre Compact CHAP Time Banking CD Team WRAP AROUND Skills & Work Lower Kersal Centre JCP Connexions

CHARLESTOWN/LOWER KERSAL NDC PARTNERSHIP Locality Provision: Skill and Work Over 770 residents assisted into work Lower Kersal Centre 360 residents assisted into education

CHARLESTOWN/LOWER KERSAL NDC PARTNERSHIP Wrap Around Services: Social PrescriptionOver 130 residents on programme Successful Transitions60 residents completed programme, 70% go on to learning, volunteering or job opportunities Social Media CentreOver 100 residents trained Compact 20 young people regularly engaged CHAP92 people improved social activities Time Banking28 people into voluntary activities

CHARLESTOWN/LOWER KERSAL NDC PARTNERSHIP Learning from Focus on both direct job and learning outcomes and softer indicators Local co-ordination and commissioning (Management Team) Provision at the neighbourhood level in local venues (Department Store) Two for one’ service provision Joined up practice e.g. JC+ in Job Shop, Salford College in Lower Kersal Centre Cross-referrals Valuable role of community / voluntary sector in provision (Front Liners & Personal Shoppers) ‘Broad menu of services which recognise the client journey

CHARLESTOWN/LOWER KERSAL NDC PARTNERSHIP Challenges and Gaps: The role of mainstream providers and services Continue to address range of barriers for clients Improving referrals Data sharing Time limited provision Role of the third sector Impact of provision to date Demand side provision

CHARLESTOWN/LOWER KERSAL NDC PARTNERSHIP Looking Forward: Working Neighbourhood Team Pilots - The Approach: Not starting from scratch but building from experience to date Evaluating and developing further ‘what works’, particularly regarding ‘wrap around’ provision Understanding local need and in particular, the barriers faced by local people Influencing service delivery and where appropriate, commissioning new activity and engaging mainstream providers in the ‘system’ Encouraging further collaboration, referral and data sharing Engaging employers and maximising links to available opportunities

Any Questions?