Research Methods in T&I Studies I Semiotic features
Semiotics The study of signs Ferdinand de Saussure (semiology) Roland Barthes Julia Kristeva Umberto Eco Charles S. Pierce (semiotics) Charles W. Morris Thomas Sebeok Umberto Eco (bridges both approaches) Social Semiotics (Kress & Hodge 1988)
Semiotic Features Non-verbal features to consider in translation Layout Symbolic value of type of illustration Social value of images and messages Typography Dress Code Colour Visual Code Switching Interdependence between image and text Religious and legal sanctions
Semiotic features: Layout When the rain falls They talk of Manchester But when the triumphant rain falls We think of rainbows That's the Mancunian Way Lemn Sissay
Semiotic features: Layout
Semiotic features: Translation Layout
Semiotic features: Symbolic value of Illustration
Semiotic features: Social Value il-’Arousa (the Bride) tea (Egypt)
Semiotic features: Typography
Semiotic features: Interdependence between image and text
Audi Advert
Vorsprung durch Technik "Vorsprung durch Technik" is Audi's tagline in Germany. Literally translated, it means "advancement through technology"; however, English cannot fully capture the meaning of "Vorsprung" which means "to leap ahead." The slogan describes Audi's ambitions in the development of new vehicles and technology; the perpetual challenge is to question existing concepts and adopt innovative approaches. ( glossary)
Translation Strategies Globalisation Localisation Glocalisation
Localisation Jaegermeister (Offical international site – localised for each country)
Semiotic Features Features of English Advertising Manipulation of idiomatic expressions Making heavy use of morphological innovation (Tobleronism) Heavy use of adjectival compounds Exploiting various sign systems