NEWS Internal Review November 20 Presentation covering most of the relevant L4 WBS activities: rf shielding, substrate,Vacuum vessel, Position control system, Cooling system, Pixel support frame 3 hours of presentation Discussion with the Reviewers Question: individual comments from reviewer, written report Charge to the reviewers
ESLI 48 glassy carbon tubes delivered 1.5mm OD (23), 1.2mm OD (25) Four of each being sent to Iowa and WSU Properties: see attached spreadsheet Tests planned: impact test of joints, strength test of the tubes, solution to manifold, irradiation test, corrosion test Wall thickness found to be non-uniform
RF shielding Alex will report on the FEA We met with Weiren Chou (BD) to discuss the shielding. Chou will do calculation on the beam effects: impedance, heating, and image current return Also discussed with Cary and Mark on prototyping; would like to fabricate a short section (welding, stamping, EDM, laser cut etc)
Be substrate ( for CM ) More movies taken with small bump Conclusion: not much difference Proposed to adopt Charles’ idea; make it solid Be at the notch Had a meeting with Mike H., Mike R., Jim Fast on the alignment holes – lead to some changes in the precision of the holes, ideas on assembly etc We should try out the procedure; Zeiss 850 available to us; will use it for the thermal displacement test but also for the assembly practice
Be substrate
FEA Recall that bump bond is the weakest link according to FEA We can improve the strength by putting in underfill around the corners Our test using ATLAS 2x8 module with 5 FPIX1 chips bonded is still OK after a few thermal cycles
FEA (cont) Big stress on the epoxy layer because if CTE mismatch between Si and Be Factor of 3 larger than strength of any known epoxy Separate the epoxy layer into