Drawing I: Bell Ringer On a sheet of paper, answer the following: 1.Describe the purpose of a dictionary. 2.Do you still use a dictionary today with all of the available technology? 3.Is their an app you can use or a useful website?
What’s the Word? Artwork Illustrations of a Dictionary Page
What’s the Word? il·lus·tra·tion (l-strshn) n. 1. a. The act of clarifying or explaining. b. The state of being clarified or explained. 2. Material used to clarify or explain. 3. Visual matter used to clarify or decorate a text.
What’s the word “Typography”? ty·pog·ra·phy (t-pgr-f)n. pl. ty·pog·ra·phies 1. a. The art and technique of printing with movable type. b. The composition of printed material from movable type. 2. The arrangement and appearance of printed matter
Same subject, different illustrations/representations of same word
What’s the Word? You are to choose one or two adjacent pages within a dictionary to create an illustration of a word on that page. You are to use a combination of typography and illustrations to emphasize the word. You are to include: illustrations, word, pronunciation, and definition. You can also include the origin of the word; however, it is not required. Media: Watercolors, Oil Pastels, Chalk Pastels, and/or coloring pencils on dictionary paper. We will age the paper with a coffee or tea stain.
Visual Representation of the word Use of Typography Pronunciation DefinitionWord origin
What’s the Word? Scoring Rubric Distinguished % Proficient 94-85% Apprentice 84-75% Novice 74-67% Incomplete 66-0% Student’s layout includes the word from the dictionary and/or the pronunciation, definition of the word from the dictionary, and an illustration of the word. Student may or may not have added to this basic layout. Student’s layout includes the word from the dictionary and/or the pronunciation, definition of the word from the dictionary, and an illustration of the word. Student’s layout includes the word from the dictionary and/or the pronunciation, definition and illustration. Student’s layout may include the word and/or the pronunciation, definition and/or illustration. Layout, if any, includes at least one of the required pieces. Student’s artwork illustrates creativity through their illustration and typography. Student’s artwork illustrates creativity through their illustration and/or typography. Student’s artwork illustrates some creativity through their illustration and/or typography. Student’s artwork illustrates limited creativity through their illustration and/or typography. Student’s artwork illustrates minimal creativity within their illustration and/or typography. Student’s artwork includes typography that is artistic and relates to the theme on the dictionary page. Student’s artwork includes typography that is artistic and/or relates to the theme on the dictionary page. Student’s artwork may or may not have included typography within their design. Student’s artwork doesn’t illustrate typography. Student has used the mediums required to create an excellent illustration. Student has used the mediums required to create a proficient illustration. Student has used the mediums required to create an illustration. Student has/has not used the media required.