MixedMixed -Definition of Mixed Media -Examples -Project Requirements and important dates Media
Definition: A technique involving the use of two or more artistic media, such as ink and pastel or painting and collage, that are combined in a single composition. MixedMixed Media
Jason Mecier: One Man’s Treasure
Yearbook Cover Design Timeline & Important Dates Monday – Presentation – Introduction to Graphic Design Tuesday – Go over definition, examples, typography video, and timeline - gather references/ samples of typography and imagery -Work on TWO preliminary sketches *Sketchbook III Due Wednesday – Work on sketches – Be prepared to decide which media you would like to work with on Thursday. Thursday – Work on sketches and experiment with mixed media appropriate for your project. Friday – Evaluation II due - Preliminary Sketches (classwork) due along with references -Work on Final Paper 11x17 Next week - Continue to work on Final draft (10/11 is the last day to work on it during class) Due date is 10/18