R esidents A gainst P olluting S tacks A voluntary,non-political, community organisation
RAPS aims are: Installation of air cleaning in the M5 tunnel to reduce the impact on the local area. To seek fair infrastructure planning and pollution regulations. To support ecological sustainability in all projects affecting the local area. To share information on issues related to urban air pollution and planning
The RTA has applied to the Department of Planning to modify the operating conditions for the M5 tunnel The main change requested is to allow unfiltered portal emissions from both Bexley North and Arncliffe for 14 hours per day to help improve in- tunnel conditions.
The RTA $50 million plan has 4 main parts: Video cameras to track and fine smoky trucks to reduce emissions. Extra jet fans for better air flow control. Portal emissions to allow for extra fresh air into the tunnel. ? A ‘trial’ of filtration equipment at the west end of the west-bound tunnel to reduce ‘haze’.
The RTA Plan for Bexley North The RTA plan is unique. It has never been done anywhere! It is exceptionally complex and costly. The air tunnel will cost at least $20 million. If it works at all, it will solve 1/3 of 1/4 of the problem.
The RTA proposal is aimed solely at improving in-tunnel conditions for motorists. The stated aim is to remove the ‘perception’ of a problem with ‘haze’ and to reduce tunnel closures due to bad air quality. The budget is $50 million.
BUT….! ‘Haze’ is not harmless. It is made up almost entirely of Diesel particle emissions which cause asthma and lung irritation and are now known to trigger heart attacks and cause cancer. According to the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment its cancer risk factor is 3 in 10,000 for every 1µg/m3 increase in exposure.
Will it improve the air in the tunnel? Probably yes. The pollution level inside the tunnel will be roughly halved. The stack emissions should be reduced by 40% Filter
The RTA plan may ‘work’ for those inside the tunnel, but not for those outside the tunnel: Portal emissions start immediately and will significantly increase the impact of harmful diesel fumes on people living round the tunnel portals. Around $45 million is spent on fixing 1/3 of 1/4 of the “haze” problem in the tunnel. The remainder of the problem is ‘fixed’ by dumping the diesel emissions out of the portals at ground level. There is no guarantee that the filters will be kept working after the one year ‘trial’.
The revised NSW Health ‘Residents’ Health Study’ contains a CSIRO map showing the impact of the portal emissions which occurred in September -October 2003
Portal emissions have been known to be dangerous since the first major road tunnels were built The 2005 CSIRO study found: “ portal emissions have an impact on ground-level concentrations that is up to 50 times greater than if the same emissions occurred from the stack.”
The RTA EIS document predicts that the portal emissions will represent an increase in PM10 at the worst location of 0.6µg/m 3 per year. This is claimed to represent an increased mortality risk of 1 in 20 million. The RTA compares this with the risk of being killed by lightning, which is 1 in 1.6 million
This claim is insulting, misleading and, above all, incorrect! It is contrary to the advice given by NSW Health and the EPA about the potential dangers of portal emissions. The risk of 1:20 million claimed by the RTA is a ‘daily’ risk not a ‘lifetime’ risk as is required by the EPA.
An increase of 0.6 µg/m 3 in diesel particle emissions increases life-time cancer risk by 180 in a million, according to the new California OEHHA guidelines. This is 3,600 times greater than the risk claimed in the RTA. It is 180 times the risk threshold specified by the NSW EPA!
There are about 1000 houses, and at least 4 blocks of units within 500m of the Bexley North portal! All will receive some increase in pollution from the portal emissions. The impact at Marsh St is similar.
RAPS believes that for $50 million, the public should get cleaner air inside and outside the tunnel by: installing, at both Bexley North and Marsh St, filtration and cleaning equipment, similar to that in Madrid, to remove diesel particulate and nitrogen dioxide from the tunnel exhaust and using ceiling mounted particle filtration inside the tunnel.
To ensure the safety of this proposal: The cleaned air must be ejected upwards to improve dispersal. The efficiency and operation of the filter systems must be independently supervised. There must be a comprehensive, independent technical and health assessment of the project before and after construction.
In addition we should require: Effective action to reduce traffic congestion on the whole M5 motorway, to reduce local pollution and improve our health and that of our children. The provision of a property value guarantee (buy-back scheme).
RAPS suggests that this meeting: Supports the installation of appropriate air cleaning systems at the portals and inside the M5 tunnel Demands that this be done in a safe and cost effective manner. Rejects the RTA plan as it stands.
RAPS suggests that you: Write to the Department of Planning outlining your objections to the proposal. Inform your local member of your decision and request their support.