Overview of the Development of the Graphic Design Curriculum Units 1-3 © 2015 Richard Homa.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the Development of the Graphic Design Curriculum Units 1-3 © 2015 Richard Homa

Unit 1 Projects © 2015 Richard Homa

Unit 2 Projects

Unit 3 Projects © 2015 Richard Homa

Essential Question: How are the elements of graphic design used in cereal packaging targeted differently to consumers of varying age demographics? Essential CTE Content: Design Theory & Visual Literacy: Design as a Reflection of Culture (1c) Elements of Design (3a-e) Design Process: Brainstorm and Concept Development (4a) Design Process: Oral and Written Critiques Color Theory Typography: Type Classifications (9a) Project/Problem Statement: Kellogg’s Corporation is on the lookout for new talent in their marketing/package design department and they are looking to the future and also soliciting ideas from a younger audience. They are also looking to market an adult cereal to offset their popular children’s cereal and product sales. They also want to see how they can save money by marketing a single cereal to 2 different demographics, simply by changing the packaging. Etc…. Start of Each Project

Essential CTE Knowledge and Skills needed to complete the Project/Problem: Students will: 1.List and describe 5 or more cereal brands targeted to a children or teen demographic and identify the color schemes, typography, effects (shadows, bevel/emboss, outlines, gradients, patterns, etc.), subjects (human or fictional characters or mascots), product photography or illustrations, logos and essential copy utilized in the packaging. © 2015 Richard Homa CTE Objectives

Essential CTE Knowledge and Skills needed to complete the Project/Problem: Students will: 2.Through written evidence and examples, describe commonalities in design elements that are found in cereal packaging targeted at younger consumers. © 2015 Richard Homa CTE Objectives

Essential CTE Knowledge and Skills needed to complete the Project/Problem: Students will: 3.List and describe 5 or more cereal brands targeted to adult demographic and identify the color schemes, typography, effects (shadows, bevel/emboss, outlines, gradients, patterns, etc.), subjects (human or fictional characters or mascots), product photography or illustrations, logos and essential copy utilized in the packaging. © 2015 Richard Homa CTE Objectives

Essential Academic Knowledge and Skills needed to complete the Project/Problem: In the context of the project/problem: 1.Essential reading and writing needed to complete the project/problem: a.Students will be able to identify the different categories of type including serif, sans-serif, slab-serif, decorative, script, and mono-spaced from information provided in assigned reading. b.Students will conduct online searches and research to gather information and provide background on the typestyles identified in their final report. © 2015 Richard Homa Reading & Writing

New Jersey CTE Standards: Students will be able to… Demonstrate use of the concepts, strategies, and systems for obtaining and conveying ideas and information to enhance communication. ( C.5) will change to 9.3 Locate, organize, and reference written information from various sources to communicate with others. ( C.6) Develop and deliver formal and informal presentations using appropriate media to engage and inform audiences. ( C.9) Employ critical thinking skills (e.g., analyze, synthesize, and evaluate) independently and in teams to solve problems and make decisions. ( C.15) © 2015 Richard Homa CTE Standards

Common Core Standards: Career Ready Practices (CRP1-12) 9.1 Personal Financial Literacy 9.2 Career Awareness Exploration & Preparation 9.3 Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Cluster Industry Standards: GraphCOMM (2014) (Originally PrintEd) © 2015 Richard Homa More Standards

Day 1: Objective: Students must be able to identify and differentiate the various fonts displayed in a ransom note. Key Questions: How do crime scene investigators begin to gather clues and make associations at a crime scene in the news or in real life? What clues and characteristics can you visually identify in a random assortment of isolated letters of type that will help determine how many different typestyles were used in its creation? Teacher Instructions: Students will meet as a group where they will be instructed that they will be part of an investigation to solve a crime. A discussion will take place to draw upon their views and previous experiences with investigations © 2015 Richard Homa Pacing Guide

Formative Activities/Assessments (Checks progress and makes adjustments) Summative Assessments (Measures Learning Goals – more cumulative) Rubrics (Guide to Assessing) Differentiated Learning Addresses multiple learning styles; Allows opportunities for students to participate or contribute to their own learning Resources Needed May vary based on school district & program © 2015 Richard Homa Follow-up

Promote the Curriculum Promotional Video Clip – on Summer Curriculum Institute e-Professional Learning Community Incorporate forum, videos, more resources to site Review & Update Curriculum Incorporate Career Ready Practices and Standards School Site Visits A way to meet with instructors & students in their environment © 2015 Richard Homa Next Steps…