Kansas: Where We Are and Where We Are Going Brad Neuenswander Deputy Commissioner, KSDE KAMSA Conference
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education % of Kansas w/ postsecondary degree or certification?
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education College and Career Ready means an individual has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, and employability skills to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification or in the workforce, without the need for remediation.
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education Looking Ahead We have to look at our data differently, instead of a singular focus on one test, one year. We have to be comfortable and confident about raising the bar, and seeing different results. We have to place a value on, and recognize all things that are important to preparing students for post secondary success. We need to continue to grow in our profession.
Kansas State Department of Education 12
Kansas State Department of Education 13
Kansas State Department of Education Three Levels of Analysis (1) Summary Level (2) Comparison Level (3) Expanded AMO Reports 14
Kansas State Department of Education Why did Kansas want a new way of measuring academic performance?
Kansas State Department of Education 16 Calculating API
Kansas State Department of Education Reading – Performance Levels 9/12/
Kansas State Department of Education Math – Performance Levels 9/12/
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education 21 Growth AMO
Kansas State Department of Education 22 Student Growth Percentiles Model
Kansas State Department of Education 23 Reducing the Non-ProficientProficient Proficient Non- Proficient Now2018
Kansas State Department of Education Achievement Gap
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education Multiple Measures Consider state assessments as expected Include assessment measures currently in use in your district Shared credit/responsibility for student growth Time for student growth 1-3 years
Kansas State Department of Education Sample Measures by KSDE from the Field Academic Measures – State Assessments Academic Measures – Not State Assessments Other Student Knowledge and Skills Measures History and Government State Assessment ESOL State Assessment Reading State Assessment Mathematics State Assessment Science State Assessment Writing State Assessment Common Academic Assessments ACT/SAT scores Aimsweb AP scores CETE Formative Assessments DIBELS District wide Common Assessments Fitness Grams Lexile Scores Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Other Academic Assessments Student constructed response with rubric for assessment KWIET portfolio Performance based measures Project Rubrics College and Career Ready Measures Industrial Certifications assessments (Technical Skills) Interpersonal communication skills (Interpersonal Qualities) WorkKeys (Career Interest Development) Other Non Academic Measures Sportsmanship rubric Life skills (nutrition, physical activity) Occupational therapy skills 21st century skills Library usage (using library tools to find resources)
Kansas State Department of Education
Kansas State Department of Education