Do you know the answers? What is the salinity of water? the amount of salt dissolved in the water Why is salinity important? if the salinity is too high or too low it will effect the biotic factors of an ecosystem
Human! The Natural Bridge was a sacred site of the Native American Monacan tribe here in Virginia.Native AmericanMonacan s/jams/science/rocks- minerals- landforms/weatherin g-and-erosion.htm
Weathering The breakdown of the materials of Earth’s crust into smaller pieces.
Physical Weathering Process by which rocks are broken down into smaller pieces by external conditions. Types: Frost breaking rock Plant roots Friction and impact Burrowing of animals Temperature changes
Frost Wedging
Frost Heaving
Plant Roots
Friction and Repeated Impact
Burrowing of Animals
Temperature Changes
Chemical Weathering The process that breaks down rock through chemical changes. Types: Water dissolving Oxygen Carbon dioxide Living organisms (urine) or dead decomposing Acid rain
Water Water weathers rock by dissolving it
Oxygen Iron combines with oxygen in the presence of water The product of oxidation is rust
Carbon Dioxide CO 2 dissolves in rain water and creates carbonic acid Carbonic acid easily weathers limestone and marble
Living Organisms Lichens that grow on rocks produce weak acids that chemically weather rock
Acid Rain Compounds from burning coal, oil and gas react chemically with water forming acids. Acid rain causes very rapid chemical weathering
Karst Topography A type of landscape in rainy regions that causes caves, sinkholes, and disappearing streams. Created by chemical weathering of limestone
Example of Karst: Sinkholes s.html
Example of Karst: Caves
Example of Karst: Disappearing Streams
Erosion movement of rocks and soil by water, wind, or ice.
Water Erosion Rivers, streams, and runoff
Mass Movements Landslides, mudslides, slump and creep 101-videos/landslides
Ice Erosion Glaciers
Wind Erosion show/sand_dunes.html
1.) FOLLOW all directions 2.) work with YOUR group 3.) write down you very BEST answer 4.) CLEAN UP your lab station 5.) Turn in to the “IN BOX” 6.) pick up homework – you may start it