2008 COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS Town of Loxahatchee Groves
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves Study Prepared by District Offices LLC - a contract services provider firm serving the local government sector. Emphasis on water & water treatment sectors. Alternatives Considered: 1.Dependent District 2.Limiting District’s Role to Drainage Only 3.No Changes 4.Something Else Cost Considerations 1.Cost to Implement 2.Cost to Maintain Study Background
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves Dependent District Determined via Referendum Extensive Public Information Efforts Special Legislative Bill Lobbying Expenses Operating Costs Unchanged Support services such as legal and engineering will still exist Management costs are not anticipated to be materially reduced Little efficiency will be gained by converting the District to dependent Governance issues would not be materially reduced Legislation is difficult to pass
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves Dependent District Conclusions Does not present a material gain in efficiency or reduction in costs Costly to implement May be viewed controversially by residents Legislative approval is difficult District is non-supportive and is not participating in the analysis. “Should be pursued with the full cooperation and participation of both entities with clearly recognized advantage to the community.” “Currently, such advantages to the community are unclear…”
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves Limiting District’s Role Costs are estimated to be high. Implementation would require major community support, Special bill preparation and legislative action. Transition of existing roadway responsibilities Commitments, equipment and personnel will require considerable time & resources. Expenses are similar to Dependent with less return for implementation Result in a sole source road response to residents.
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves Limiting District’s Role Conclusions Requires legislative action Requires community support Requires a working relationship between the Town and District Costs to implement are high Results in a special legislative bill Timeline is projected to be between one and two years Should go through extensive public discussion
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves No Changes Expectations may be achieved through continued efforts by the Town and District to reach a mutually acceptable and working solution Roadway related services will be implemented by the Town Town would assume a superior position for roadway related improvements Expectation of efficiencies to be gained by utilizing the District as a public works mechanism will have to wait for future considerations
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves No Changes Conclusion Status quo offers no gains nor losses while maintaining all options for future efficiencies “When in doubt, do nothing.” If a clear path for efficient service delivery going forward is not apparent and the residents give no clear support of the other alternatives, this choice, clearly has benefit in the maintenance of future options.
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves Something Else Establish a committee comprised of one Board member and one Administrator from both the Town and District to Stand in Service to Meet the Charter Intent in Developing Service Delivery Implemented as IGC meetings
Prepared by Friends of Loxahatchee Groves Friends of Loxahatchee Groves is a registered political action committee in the Town of Loxahatchee Groves with a charter of: Fair & Ethical Decisions by the Town and District We are a nonpartisan committee and do not support any specific agenda. Friends of Loxahatchee Groves PO Box 1541 Loxahatchee Groves, FL