No-tech & Low-tech Applications of UDL Liz Byron May 2015
UDL with no technology UDL Goal: Apply context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words. Engagement: unknown objects in bag, act like a word detective Representation: context clues are shown in objects on chart, with text in a sentence, with definition, and verbally Expression: graphic organizer, create your own clue, turn and talks
UDL No-Tech Lesson UDL Goal: Identify the sound of the letter “P’ Laurie Rohm, The Sound of “P”. WIDA 2013 Featured Video.
Multiple Means of Expression
UDL your Classroom or Learning Space 1. UDL student learning areas 2. UDL bulletin boards or word walls 3. UDL teacher areas 4. UDL behavior 5. UDL technology
UDL student learning areas Have labels with text and visuals Make all items accessible for your students Use pictures of how you expect student areas to look when organized.
Before UDL After UDL
UDL Bulletin boards
UDL Word Wall
UDL Teacher Areas
UDL Behavior and Social Skills PBISworldPBISworld- Free online resource of interventions that are useful for all.
UDL Anchor Chart
Turn and Talk/Reflect (5 min) 1. UDL student learning areas 2. UDL bulletin boards or word walls 3. UDL teacher areas 4. UDL behavior
UDL Behavior or Technology Class DojoClass Dojo- free, digital positive classroom management visual bookmarking DiigoDiigo- annotate and highlight websites
imovie Goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the long division algorithm to solve whole number division problems. Engagement- students will get to “tap,” rap, and make a movie. Representation- the algorithm is represented in symbol form, word form, examples, and dance moves. Expression- students write a rap and make a movie (and take a “typical” assessment).
Canva Canva Digital posters and presentations Goal: Students will categorize key words in math that mean one of the 4 operations and translate mathematical phrases to numeral form using key words. Engagement- students have mathematical phrases about themselves (or are composed by them). Jose played outside 6 minutes less than Brian. Representation- students have notes, educreation videos, visuals in classroom, and mini lesson Expression- Create paper/pencil poster or Canva, complete classwork.
Storify- Find, collect, and share what people are saying on the web to merge information into your own format. Storify Adobe Voice- Free ipad appAdobe Voice Speak into ipad to create a story and align it with visuals. Simple, easy, accessible. Blog post on ideas for Adobe Voice
More resources Storyboard That - free trial Storyboard That Create a digital story, demonstrate reading comprehension. Photos for Class- free Photos for Class An image search engine students can use to find copyright- friendly photos for research projects. It automatically cites the author and the image license terms. DK Find Out- free DK Find Out A children’s online encyclopedia that covers a variety of topics such as science, history, Earth, math, animals, nature and more.
UDL Exchange
More resources to consider… Children's Digital Library- free digital books in L1 Children's Digital Library Story Kit- free app for book making Story Kit News ELA- free current event passages based on lexile level (with quizes) News ELA Read works- free Reading Curriculum and Resources K-6 Read works View free way to make youtube ad free and kid safe View The Daily 5- free literacy management (and Math: Daily 3) The Daily 5 BPS Top Ten UDL MacBook Features Moby Max- $99 complete curriculum, scaffolds at each student’s ability Moby Max 18 aps for creative learning: for all grades 18 aps for creative learning:
CAST Website, UDL center – UDL Guidelines 2.0 UDL Digital Tools (on UDL Connect)
Help Me Maybe Math Goal- Students will apply the area formula or area model to a PARCC test question. Engagement: New lyrics to song “Call me Maybe,” video Representation: Problem demonstrated in 4 different ways on video with captioning Expression: graphic organizer, group presentation, or independent poster
Goanimate self-animated videos Goal: Students will work with a partner to choose a question about the American Revolution and demonstrate an understanding of the answer by creating a short skit and presenting or using goanimate Engagement- students work with partners, choose topic, choices for presentation. Representation- students can use natural reader, bookshare, texts, diigo, and graphic organizers to support their research Expression- student videostudent video
Glogster An interactive, online poster embedded with music, videos, text, and photos Goal: Students will research a country of their choice and demonstrate their research findings. Engagement- Students self-select their country, they can follow their peer’s work on Glogster, co-create rubric for assignment. Representation- Exemplars on GlogsterExemplars on Glogster Expression- Glogster an interactive poster that can incorporate images, video, text, questions and answers, and music.
Turn and Talk/Reflect How could you use any of those resources to provide more options for your students to attain a goal?
Key aspects of UDL for classroom implementation and misconceptions: UDL in practice means the curriculum is accessible. Technology is a UDL tool, you don’t have to have access to technology to implement UDL. UDL is for EVERYONE- not just for special education populations. UDL is not just differentiated instruction. UDL does not eradicate disabilities.