Today we get into the class library! Brief introduction to the Personal Choice Reading (PCR) program Brief introduction to the Personal Choice Reading (PCR) program You can read any book you want, from anywhere you want (as long as it is appropriate to have in school). You can read any book you want, from anywhere you want (as long as it is appropriate to have in school). You can abandon a book that doesn’t interest you and start another one. You can abandon a book that doesn’t interest you and start another one. Every class period will start with at least 15 minutes of reading time—you must bring a book with you every day! Every class period will start with at least 15 minutes of reading time—you must bring a book with you every day! More details to come, but let’s get exploring… More details to come, but let’s get exploring…
About the library These are books that I have purchased for you to use These are books that I have purchased for you to use Please respect the books—and me—by taking care of them. Please respect the books—and me—by taking care of them. Do not write in them, dog-ear them, or fold the covers back Do not write in them, dog-ear them, or fold the covers back Books will be checked out at a computer in the yearbook room—either by me or our class aide Books will be checked out at a computer in the yearbook room—either by me or our class aide Books do not leave the room without being checked out to you Books do not leave the room without being checked out to you
About the labels… FANT F Genre Level Lexile F/NF
Let’s explore… Go explore the library Go explore the library Find three books that you think you might want to read Find three books that you think you might want to read Take them back to your desk, read the blurb on the back and look at the first few pages of each one. Decide which one you’d like to try first. Take them back to your desk, read the blurb on the back and look at the first few pages of each one. Decide which one you’d like to try first. Return the two you didn’t select to the shelves and go check out the one you chose in the yearbook room. Return the two you didn’t select to the shelves and go check out the one you chose in the yearbook room. Start reading! Start reading!