CONFIDENTIAL PillCam ™ COLON PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA. Case Demonstrations UEGW 2006
CONFIDENTIAL Case I 46-year old male Rectal bleeding, change in bowel habit Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case I Colonoscopy : 4 mm pedunculated polyp (tubular adenoma) at sigmoid PillCam capsule endoscopy : Polyp (<6 mm) at sigmoid PillCam image Colonoscopy image Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case II 65-year old female Chronic diarrhea Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case II Colonoscopy : Large tubulo-villous polyp with severe dysplasia. Patient referred to surgical intervention (findings verified). PillCam capsule endoscopy : Large rectal neoplastic tumor PillCam images Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case III 69-year old male Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL PillCam images Case III Colonoscopy : Normal PillCam capsule endoscopy : 5 mm polyp at sigmoid. Patient referred to repeat colonoscopy. Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL PillCam image Case III Repeat Colonoscopy : 5 mm adenomatic polyp identified at sigmoid and removed. Colonoscopy image Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case IV 58-year old male Positive FOBT Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case IV Colonoscopy : 14 mm pedunculated polyp (villous adenoma) at sigmoid PillCam capsule endoscopy : Large (>9 mm) polyp at sigmoid PillCam image Colonoscopy image Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL 62-year old male Surveillance due to history of polyps Case V Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case V Colonoscopy : 4 mm polyp at sigmoid (tubular adenoma) PillCam capsule endoscopy : Polyp (<6 mm) at sigmoid-rectum, and more… PillCam image Colonoscopy image Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case V PillCam capsule endoscopy : <6 mm plyp at transverse 6-9 mm polyp at left colon PillCam images Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL 58-year old male Rectal bleeding Case VI Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case VI PillCam images Colonoscopy and PillCam capsule endoscopy : Spread diverticulosis Colonoscopy images Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Case VII 75-year old female Positive VC: 17x22 mm polyp at sigmoid Referred to colonoscopy / polypectomy Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Colonoscopy : Carcinoma at sigmoid. Patient referred to surgical intervention PillCam capsule endoscopy : Large neoplastic tumor at sigmoid PillCam image Colonoscopy image Case VII Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL 53-year old female Rectal bleeding Case VIII Case VIII Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL PillCam image Colonoscopy image PillCam capsule endoscopy: 6-9 mm polyp at sigmoid Case VIII Case VIII Sample Cases Colonoscopy: 8 mm polyp at sigmoid 5 mm polyp at transverse UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL 48-year old female Blood in stool and anemia Case IX Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL PillCam images Case IX Colonoscopy : Normal PillCam capsule endoscopy : Two polyps (<6 mm) at descending colon Sample Cases UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL UlcerativeColitis Ulcerative Colitis Sample Cases Colonoscopy imagesPillCam images UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.
CONFIDENTIAL Colonoscopy images Polyp (~10 mm) at Transverse Sample Cases PillCam images UEGW 2006 PillCam™ COLON has received a CE Mark, but is not cleared for marketing or available for commercial distribution in the USA.