NEAREST kick-off Meeting 9-11 October, Bologna NEARESTWP4 INGV: Leader PI: Paolo Favali
Objectives The WP is aimed at carrying out geophysical and oceanographic measurements on the seafloor and in the water column in the nearby of near-shore tsunamigenic sources for the identifications of tsunami signals. The seafloor and water column measurements will be performed by means of a deep seafloor multiparameter observatory of GEOSTAR type, developed in previous EC projects and will be transmitted to shore in real-time (some essential parameters). WP4 - Tsunami signal detection
Use of already existing multiparameter seafloor observatoryUse of already existing multiparameter seafloor observatory The observatory will be managed by MODUS (Partner TFH)The observatory will be managed by MODUS (Partner TFH) Methodology
Specific set of sensors: -seismometer, -hydrophone, -differential pressure gauge for cross-checking of different signals Seismometer Hydrophone 3D-ACM Unique time reference for easy comparison of the signals DPG other sensors ?
The seafloor observatory will locally perform processing according to specifications identified by the partners A surface buoy, will perform real-time transmission of seafloor processing results to a shore station for data integration The buoy will be equipped with meteo and oceanographic sensor packages as well
Selection of new sensorsSelection of new sensors Upgrading of the hardware and software of the Data Acquisition and Control System (DACS)Upgrading of the hardware and software of the Data Acquisition and Control System (DACS) Upgrading of the real-time communications (new protocol ?)Upgrading of the real-time communications (new protocol ?) Overall integrationOverall integration Tests (use of already available signals, synthetic signals, etc.)Tests (use of already available signals, synthetic signals, etc.) Work to be done (1/2)
Deep sea long-term mission (about 1 year, R/V Urania): input from WP1 (Tsunami source identification) and WP2 (Tsunami source characterisation)Deep sea long-term mission (about 1 year, R/V Urania): input from WP1 (Tsunami source identification) and WP2 (Tsunami source characterisation) Integration of seismic data in the marine data-base of the OBS data (WP3 – seismological monitoring)Integration of seismic data in the marine data-base of the OBS data (WP3 – seismological monitoring) Work to be done (2/2)
ISMAR-BO. FFCUL, CSIC marine site selection and characterisation for the pilot experimenton the basis of the knowledge of the area ISMAR-BO cruises responsible AWI, UGR, IM common requirements of sensor sampling rates TFH MODUS for the pilot experiment (deployment/recovery) ISMAR BO FFCULCSICAWIUBOINGVTFHUGRIMCNRSTXISTOS H H M M Leader H H M Partners involved WP4
Task 4.1 Definition of sensor requirements and sensor selection; requirements of the detection software (e.g., detection algorithm, triggering threshold, messages). Task 4.2 Design and development of modifications (e.g., sensor supports of the frame); design and development of the software. Task 4.3 Integration of new sensors/devices and new software in the seafloor observatory, tests of the functionality in laboratory. Task 4.4 Preparation planning and implementation of a long-term (about 1 year) mission; cruises for deployment and recovery. Task 4.5 Data back-up, quality checks, preparation of the data base to be integrated with other data; pre-analysis of ‘parent’ tsunami signals.
D10definition of sensors’, software requirements for the deep-sea platform D11detailed design for the integration of new sensors and device in the deep-sea platform D12integration of new sensors, test of functionality of the deep-sea platform D13deployment procedure for the deep-sea platform D14deployment cruise of the deep-sea platform and cruise report D15a recovery cruise of the deep-sea platform and data quality checks D15bcruise report WP4 Deliverables m 4 m 8 m 11 m 12 m 24