The ABS in 2006: A Year of (More) Change Association of Residency Coordinators in Surgery March 21, 2006
Registration vs. rosters Registration related to ABSITE Rosters related to QE - must up-to-date and accurate Application packets for the graduating chiefs, with log-in information, will be mailed soon
The importance of the rosters ABS will only approve number of resident positions approved by RRC Application packets will only include info for residents on previous rosters ABS may not be aware of RRC actions To avoid problems, send copies of RRC to ABS at time of such approval
Completing the application Log-in on ABS website, Access application under “My Records” and then under “On-Line Applications” In rare situations multiple applications may be available – if so, select right one Personal Information/Rotations in one section
Essential content areas (ECA) (Allowable Chief Resident rotations) Alimentary Tract Abdomen & its contents Breast, Skin, Soft Tissue Endocrine Head & Neck Surgery Surgical Critical Care Surgical Oncology Trauma/Burns Vascular Surgery Pediatric Surgery Transplantation
Allowable chief resident rotations No more than four (4) months in any ECA* For mixed rotations (e.g., Vascular/Thoracic) list the predominant service. Caveat: predominant service for Chief year must be in an essential content area
Completing the application Log-in Access application under “My Records” and the under “On-Line Applications” Beware if multiple applications available Personal Information/Rotations in one section Operative Experience a separate section
Operative case requirements ABS 500 procedures 150 cases as Chief Experience in all ECA* RRC 500 procedures 150 cases as Chief Experience in all ECA* plus Defined minimums * ECA = Essential Content Areas
Reporting operative experience ABS and ACGME to share SOL data May wish to submit ACGME hard copy to avoid delays Separate PD signature not required Other formats no longer acceptable
Frequent problems Incorrect Program Director Gaps in chronologic sequence Missing final ECFMG certificate Undocumented leave (e.g., pregnancy) Missing data
Transplantation ABS requires pre-operative, operative, and post-operative experience in transplant Objective is direct patient care of transplant patients - transplant rotation not required If neither operative experience nor rotation, then send patient roster
Non-operative trauma/critical care Experience in one or both often left blank ABS requirements = RRC requirements Do not need worksheets
The final touches “Make Final” may be slower Original signatures (do not fax) A current full, unrestricted medical license (grace period of 6 months) Correct payment Credit cards (VISA/MC/Discover/AmEx); or Check to the American Board of Surgery (not ACS) for $300 Late application fee is $500
Application deadlines EarlyLate GS QE May 2June 1 VS QE June 30July 17 SCC CE June 30July 17 PS QE N/A
Verification of status Access under ‘My Records” on ABS Web site Available information: Application components, fees, and approval Examination admissibility, components, and fees Status of Test Admission Authorization letter
2006 examination dates Qualifying Examination in General Surgery Thursday, August 10 Qualifying Examination in Vascular Surgery Tuesday, September 26 Certifying Examination in Surgical Critical Care Tuesday, September 26
Examination registration Promptly “return” Reply Card and payment of separate examination fee ($700) Examinees to register with Pearson VUE but cannot without Test Admission Authorization letter from ABS Block released on June 12 Register early!!!!!
ABS Guide to Multiple Choice Examinations
Very important! Keep ABS up-to-date on resident changes of snail mail and addresses Can do so online at ABS website under “My Record” and “Update Personal Info”
Other important considerations Publication of combined exam performance Satisfactory completion of each year No more than 3 programs (effective 2008) Five (rather than six) CE in May take SCC examination at completion of SCC residency
Primary certification in vascular surgery Primary certificate approved by ABMS Primary training approved by ACGME Programs/resident interest? Must be approved for two years after 7/1/08 Eligible only for those who complete Surgery or thereafter 3-year/2-year rule will apply
The ABSITE – new issues Separate junior/senior examinations Junior = Basic Science/Diagnosis and Evaluation Senior = Complex Management Greater breadth and depth for both groups – more difficult Emphasis on absolute over normative scoring (e.g., % correct vs. percentile) Change affects scores/reports
The ABSITE – recurring problems Still some suspicious behavior Careful proctoring is essential! Timely return of test books ABSITE review is OK!
QE security Teaching to the test vs. teaching the test Changes in examination development Changes in examination scoring
The ABS greatly appreciates your efforts and cooperation!