“Fire Extinguishers” An Introduction to “Fire Extinguishers”
Legal Basis for this Training Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) O ccupational Safety and Health Standards 29 CFR Part 1910 Subpart “L” - Fire Protection Standard “Portable fire extinguishers”
(b)(1) Where the employer has implemented a written fire safety policy which requires the immediate and total evacuation of employees from the workplace …and which includes an emergency action plan and fire prevention plan…and when extinguishers are not available in the workplace, the employer is exempt from all requirements of this section unless a specific standard in Part 1910 requires that a portable fire extinguisher be provided.
(g)(1) Where the employer has provided portable fire extinguishers… the employer shall provide an educational program to familiarize employees with general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting.
OBJECTIVES: After this training you should be able to: IDENTIFY 3 common classes of fires SELECT the proper type of extinguisher EVALUATE when it is safe to fight an “early-stage” fire, and; APPLY the “P.A.S.S. method to operate a portable extinguisher.
UNTRAINED PEOPLE Cannot use a fire extinguisher safely because they are: UNABLE to evaluate a fire UNAWARE of DANGER due to... LACKING JUDGEMENT regarding : – Safe and correct use of, and – Limitations of portable extinguishers
WHY UNTRAINED PEOPLE Can’t use a fire extinguisher safely (continued) : INEXPERIENCED Don’t know about the proper type of extinguisher Don’t know how to make a “Fight or Flight” analysis Unfamiliar with the “P.A.S.S. method”
COMMON FIRE CLASSIFICATIONS** “Ordinary” combustibles P aper, wood, rubber, plastics and textiles. “Flammable liquids” Oil, gasoline, solvents “Energized circuits” Electrical equipment and computers ** There are other ‘special’ classifications of fires – these are the most common **
HOW THEY WORK: Works by cooling. Works by cooling. Numerical rating indicates amount of agent, duration, and range of discharge on test fires. Area of Class A fire which a “non-expert” can extinguish, with proper training Area of Class A fire which a “non-expert” can extinguish, with proper training – 1-A is equivalent on Class-A fire to five liters of water. – 2-A contains has twice as much extinguishing agent.
HOW THEY WORK: Works by blanketing the fuel. Works by blanketing the fuel. Interrupts chemical reaction at fuel surface. Interrupts chemical reaction at fuel surface. Class B ratings signify the area in square feet of flammable liquid fire a unit will extinguish when used, by a trained, “non-expert.” Class B ratings signify the area in square feet of flammable liquid fire a unit will extinguish when used, by a trained, “non-expert.”
HOW THEY WORK: Class “C” units have no numerical rating. A Class “C” rating doesn’t imply any capacity. Only indicates that the extinguishing agent is non-conductive, safe on energized equipment. Only indicates that the extinguishing agent is non-conductive, safe on energized equipment. Works by displacing oxygen, smothering fire.
Portable Fire Extinguishers Can be CARRIED to a fire Weigh from 5 to 30 pounds NFPA Class and Rating – Arabic numerals according to efficiency - 4A extinguishes twice as much Class A fire as 2A
Portable Fire Extinguishers LIMITED IN: Capacity to 25 lbs. of extinguishing agent Range - Typically 3 to 15 feet Duration - Discharge their contents in only 5 to 30 seconds !
Extinguisher Common features Locking pin Carrying handle / operating lever Pressure gauge Label : –Type (Water, C02, Dry Chemical) –Classification (A, B, C) –NFPA capacity Rating –Instructions Discharge nozzle or horn
WATER Water + CO 2 propellant ONLY for Class firesONLY for Class fires –wood / paper, etc. Spreads burning liquids ! DANGERDANGER of electric shock if used on on live circuits !
DRY CHEMICAL MULTI-PURPOSE RATED Best for general use: Reduced risk of re-ignition A 10 lb. unit empties in 8-10 secs. –Effective range of 6 ft. to 15 ft. EitherOr
C0 2 - Rated Best on burning liquids / electrical SHORT range - 3 to 8 ft. 10- pound unit empties in 5 to 10 seconds! – Use short spurts! DISPERSES QUICKLY! –Continue applying after the fire is out! Unit gets VERY cold - hold properly
Halon Best for computers / electronics W eight-for-weight TWICE as effective as C0 2 No residue, easy clean-up VERY SHORT range, 3 to 6 ft. Like C0 2, Discharges QUICKLY! Like C0 2, Disperses QUICKLY! – Continue after flames are extinguished
In case of burning odor or smoke : Call 911 First! Disconnect Equipment –Remove combustibles, if you can do so without danger to yourself
fire or smoke REACT upon discovery of fire or smoke R emove persons in immediate danger! E nsure doors are closed! (confine fire/smoke) A ctivate the building alarm ! C all the Fire Department ! T reat ALL fires as DANGEROUS! –Continue a complete building evacuation –Do not attempt to fight a fire UNLESS you are OSHA certified in use of a fire extinguisher !
Use a portable extinguisher ONLY if the: Building is being evacuated ( Fire alarm has been pulled ) Fire Department has been called ( Dial 911!) Fire is NOT spreading (small and contained) EXIT IS CLEAR (fight fire with your back to an exit ) Proper extinguisher is at hand, and... – You have been trained and know how to use it! – You use “Buddy System” - have someone back you up! Get assistance BEFORE trying to fight a fire!
Remember the PASS word: 1) Keep your back to a clear escape route, 2) Stand back 6 to 8 feet from the fire, 3) Then >>: P.A.S.S. P ULL A IM S QUEEZE S WEEP
PULL the pin
AIM LOW at the base of the fire
SQUEEZE the lever
SWEEP from side to side
OK, It’s out… Now What? WATCH the fire area –If the fire flares up again repeat! –If you can’t control the fire, LEAVE immediately! Call the fire department to inspect the scene! Recharge or replace any used fire extinguisher!