Learn the Library! Created by Mrs. Rawlings Designed by Claudette Curl Adapted by Ashli Gore www.libraryinstruction.com/learnthelibrary/LearntheLibrary50.ppt
Library Media Center Goals Demonstrate knowledge of the arrangement of the media center Identify specific parts of a book and the information included in each part
Objectives Identify the four different areas of our media center and explain what is found in each area. Identify the following five parts of a book: spine, cover, author, illustrator and title.
Library Media Center Sections Easy (Picture Books) Fiction Fiction (Chapter Books) Non-fiction (Information Books) Biographies Reference
Non-fiction (Information) Easy Fiction Fiction Reference Non-fiction (Information) Biography
Parts of a book Spine Cover Title Author Illustrator To see video visit http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/aalenson-351571-parts-book-education-ppt-powerpoint/
The Spine Part that you see when the book is on the shelf, and other books are along side your book. Helps hold your book together and keep it strong just like the spine in your body does!
Question: What part of the book is the spine? The spine is on the front of the book There isn’t usually a spine in picture books The spine is the part that shows when the book is on the shelf The spine can be where ever the librarian wants it to be
Try Again! The spine of a book is the part that you see when the book is on the shelf, and other books are along side your book. Click here to Try again!
The Cover Front Cover Outside of a book Usually a front cover, back cover, and the part in between them called the spine. Front Cover Spine pages
Question: What part is the cover? The cover is inside the book The cover is the outside of the book The cover is in the back of the book The cover is the wrapping on the book at the store
Try Again! Front Cover Spine pages The cover is the outside of a book. There is usually a front cover, a back cover, and the part in between them called the spine. Try Again
The Title Name of the book Usually on the front cover of the book and on the spine. Is listed on the book’s Title Page Authors usually choose the title for their book, since they write the words!
The title of this book is The Spider and the Fly
Question: What is the title? The title is the name of the story The title is the name of the person who wrote the story The title doesn’t show up on the cover or the spine of the book The title is the wrapping at the store Click on choice to answer
Try Again! The title is the name of the story The title is usually on the front cover of the book and on the spine. Click here to answer this question
Special Parts of Books Table of Contents – located in beginning of a book, lists where to find general information Index – located at end of the book, lists where to find specific information Glossary – near end of the book too, tells you what words in the book mean.
Table of Contents Lists where to find general information Located in beginning of book
Index Tells you what pages you find each specific topic or subject on
Glossary A glossary gives definitions of words used in the book
Who are authors and illustrators?
Author Writes the words of a story Sometimes the author draws the pictures too - author & illustrator. Pull books – Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? By Bill Martin JR, Illustrated by Eric Carle The Very Quiet Cricket by Eric Carle
What books did Marc Brown author?
Question: What does the author do? The author is the person who reads the story in the library The author draws signs on billboards around town The author writes the words of the story The author draws the pictures, but doesn’t write any words Click on your choice to answer
Try Again! The author is the person who writes the story. The person who draws the pictures is called the Illustrator. Try Again
The Illustrator Draws the pictures in a story or book Pictures are called illustrations Illustrations are a big part of the story Sometimes there are pictures on every page Some books only have pictures!
This book is illustrated by Tony DiTerlizzi. This book was named a Caldecott Honor Book for the drawings!
Question: What does the Illustrator do? The illustrator is the person who buys the book The illustrator mails the book to people who order it. The illustrator writes the story. The illustrator draws the pictures in the story. Click on a choice to advance.
Try Again! The illustrator is the person who draws the pictures in a story book. Click here to answer
Review - Parts of a book Spine Cover Title Author Illustrator
Give yourself a pat on the back and a “round” of library applause Give yourself a pat on the back and a “round” of library applause! Take a break and tell your classmates and teacher what you learned today! Part 2
School Library Sections Easy (Picture Books) Fiction Fiction (Chapter Books) Non-fiction (Information Books) Biographies Reference
Easy Books These are picture books Also called Everybody books All titles are fiction
Easy Books Picture books use illustrations (pictures) to tell lots of the story. The illustrations in picture books sometimes tell different parts of the story than the words do. Illustrations are very, very important in picture books. Sometimes they are even more important than the words! Picture books are ‘made-up’ stories from the authors’ imagination.
Question: What is an Easy Book? A picture book has illustrations in it. A picture book tells part of the story with pictures. Sometimes the illustrations aren’t important in a story. All of the answers are right. None of the answers are right.
Chapter Books Books are longer and divided into chapters. Fiction books only
Chapter Books Usually have more words than Easy books, and fewer pictures. Words are more important for the story than the pictures are. Usually have more words on each page than picture books do, and the story is long. Chapter books are ‘made-up’ stories (fiction).
Question: What is a chapter book? Chapter books are real stories, not ‘made-up’ stories. Chapter books usually don’t have more words than picture books. Chapter books have mostly words. Chapter books are never hardback
Non-Fiction Books Also called Information books
Non-Fiction Books Information books about things that are real. Real places and real things in them. Can be about people, places, things, history, geography, crafts, sports, weather, science fair projects, even dinosaurs ! Includes poetry and literature, too
What is the best answer for non-fiction? Non-fiction is pretend, or made-up (make-believe) Real information is found in non-fiction Non-Fiction can be about people, about places, or about things
Biography Biographies are a specific type of non-fiction.
Biographies Tell about the life of a person that lived in the past or even one that lives now. Written by someone else than the subject Autobiographies are books someone writes about their own life
This is a biography about a real person, Michael Jordon.
Question: What is a Biography? A book about a real person’s life. Something made-up and imaginary. It tells definitions or words but doesn’t tell about people.
Reference Books Atlas Dictionary Almanac Encyclopedia Thesaurus
In Part 2, You have learned about: The arrangement of the library and the books in each section: Easy books (fiction) Chapter books (fiction) Non-fiction books Biographies Reference books
In Parts 1 & 2, You have learned about: Parts of a book Spine Cover Title Author Illustrator Special Parts Title Page Glossary Index Library Sections Easy books (fiction) Chapter books (fiction) Non-fiction books Biographies Reference books
Additional book images from www.booksamillion.com