How to Survive Middle School by:Donna Gephart Date/Year pub.:April 3,2010 Type of Book:Fiction Name:Jennifer Reyes Period:7 th
The Setting This story takes place in Harman Middle school. Middle School is big surrounded by lots of kids and David is scared to death of swirlies and his bully.
The Characters David Greenberg is self-described,short, skinny, non-swimmer he isn’t a wimp and he never called himself one even if he had been bullied in the book. Sophie is a new friend he made she has red hair green eyes and smell like peppermint. Elliot has been David’s friend ever since.
The CONFLICT David just got a new enemy his best friend now he is being bullied what David calls The Neanderthals AKA Tommy Murphy and his group. What make this situation even worst is that Hammy David’s hamster died and that was the last thing he got from his mom.
The Resolution Elliot and David end up being friends again. Hammy and David also end up being famous.
My opinion I really liked this book because it’s a very funny and touching book.
Interesting Facts Donna is originally from Philadelphia,Donna now lives in south Florida with her husband and two sons. She’s written an article about public speaking and getting speaking engagment for childrens, writers, and illustrators market Donna described the library as her second home. As she got older she filled her bike baskets with books. Her favorite books were Mr. Popper’s Penguin and Ben and me.
Questions Who are David’s two friends? What’s David’s hamster name? Who’s David’s bully? Is David in Middle School or High School? What does David call Tommy Murphy and his group?
The Summary David Greenberg has always dreamed of becoming a T.V. star along his favorite star Jon Stewart.But in real life, he deals with trouble at home and at school.