If You Build It, They Will Read! Authoring Books Online with CAST Book Builder Judith Schoonover Sally Norton-Darr Mark Nichols Loudoun County Public Schools
Presentation Resources
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Recognition Network UDL Correlation - Representation The “What” of Learning Strategic Network UDL Correlation - Expression The “How” of Learning Affective Network UDL Correlation - Engagement The “Why” of Learning
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YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE Your Subtopics Go Here Pedro engages the affective networks by prompting readers to actively think about the text.
YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE Your Subtopics Go Here Hali engages the strategic network by providing hints.
YOUR TOPIC GOES HERE Your Subtopics Go Here Monty engages the recognition network by offering models of expert strategy use and think- alouds
An iTRT’s Perspective
Virtual Tour of Book Builder
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Content sequence changes depending upon which layout is selected
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Refer to “Tips for Authors & Illustrators” for expert guidance on book creation, content & design.
Each Coach’s prompts can be customized!
An Educator’s Perspective Motivating Reluctant Writers
Authoring Books – AT Club Help? High School Student Authors
Future of Book Builder
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