I’m very happy you’re here tonight!
Attended Garnet Valley schools K-12 Graduated from WCU and then earned my masters there as well Middle School English Certified (6 th, 7 th, & 8 th grades) Certified Reading Specialist
Jordan is 19 and a sophomore at WVU. Noelle is 11 and in 6 th grade here at GVMS.
Daisy & Bella Diesel Trebuchet
Check my website after school to see each day’s homework for each class. Because it is set up as a blog, you can go back and look at previous assignments and links if needed. Links to some assignments and related websites are often posted Here is a link to my blog!
Links to: Class lists, homework blog, helpful links, Quizlet, etc. Access via GVMS website Tonight’s BTSN handouts
Award-winning, high-interest novels PA state standards related to reading, listening, and speaking are taught and assessed primarily through the use of classroom core novels, Reading Workshop, and the sixth grade literature anthology. Vocabulary skills are developed through class novels, word studies, and the 6 th grade core vocabulary list.
Bye, bye 100 Book Challenge No AR tests! Reading Workshop is held twice per week Student-selected books to increase reading fluency, skills, and love of literature! At-home reading expectation is 5 nights per week for 20 minutes each night. What will we do? Book talks, mini-lessons, student conferencing, and reading!
Grammar skills taught throughout the year Focus is primarily on using correct grammar within authentic writing & speaking Games/activities to further understanding Occasional quizzes and tests
Binder Binder dividers (see “Supply List”) Plastic page protectors (for “keeper” sheets) Marble composition book (Writer’s NB or JSJ) Loose-leaf paper (supply all year in binder) Pencils, erasers, highlighters
PLEASE USE IT!!! Once a week is perfect. Try not to drive yourself or your child crazy by checking every hour. It can be addictive, I know Grades are live so you can access your child’s current progress at any time. If you believe there may be a discrepancy, please feel free to e- mail me and I’ll check into it and get back to you ASAP! Your “username” is your child’s school ID #. Confidential PS information was included in the summer mailing; it can be found at the bottom of your child’s schedule given to you tonight or by calling the guidance office.
During lunch (“working lunch”) After school until 3:00 (Tues.-Thurs.) Or 3 rd period- Study Hall
Students should record assignments daily and for every class. The 6 th grade daily schedule is located on the back cover. The 6 th grade daily schedule is located on the back cover. All MS extra-curricular activities are listed on pages 8-9.
Student Council Communications Club (GVTV) Outdoor Club (skiing & snowboarding) Chess Club Library Club Intramural Sports Club Fair today! Homework club
After your child’s second day of illness, please call or the HOMEBASE teacher to request work. She will coordinate with the rest of the team to collect school work that can be picked up after 2:00 PM. Pick up from the 6 th grade shelf outside the main office. For planned absences, students should request a form in the office that you fill out and then they take around to all of their teachers a week or so before the trip.