Using the web for effective Investment Promotion – “Vanuatu experience” December 3, 2010 Sydney, Australia VANUATU INVESTMENT PROMOTION AUTHORITY 1
Contents 1.Introduction 2.Vanuatu’s experience 1.Thinking process involved 2.Actual development process 3.Website content and maintenance 4.Observed benefits 5.Constraints encountered 3.Conclusion 2
Introduction 1.Established in Website launched around Redevelopment in progress 2.URL: / 3.Languages: English 1.Translator: French, Japan, Korea,. Italy, Spain, 4.VIPA – A statutory body 1.Ministry of Trades and Industries 3
Challenge 1.How to make Vanuatu known to the rest of the world 2.Getting in touch with potential investors know that Vanuatu is a better place to invest in? 3.Best and quickest ways to promote Vanuatu as an investment destination 4.Who should be responsible: 1.Collecting the information 1.Type of information 2.Frequency of collect, quality checks, etc 2.Actual architecture of putting the ideas/ thoughts together? 3.What is the best tool to use? 4
Focus 1.High competition region wide(MSG + others) in FDI, Vanuatu needs to show that it is the best choice to invest: 1.Great investment incentives 2.Excellent government support in its policies 3.Uniqueness of living Vanuatu 2.Investors have specific information needs: 1.Be a portal to investors on all information they need (e.g, economic environment, government policies relating to investment, investment incentives, political stability..etc) 2.Ensure easy navigation and fast access to and well presented information 5
Focus (cont’d) Investor information 6 1.Requirements 1.Register, Permits, Business License, Access to land, FIAC, 2.Business environment 1.Investment Facts 2.Strengths: 1.International 2.Regional. 3.Contacts 1.VIPA staff 2.Other offices via hyperlinks
Focus (cont’d) Investor information 7 1.Sector opportunities 1.Tourism 2.Agriculture 3.Manufacturing 2.General Information 1.Living in Vanuatu 2.Population 3.Climate…. 4.Testimonials
Benefits 1.Cheap and most effective 2.Operational costs reduced - postage and printing (brochures or catalogues) 3.Quick updates of new information 4.Allows more investors to know about VIPA, hence get in touch for more information 1.Helps expand & improve web content 5.Save staff time on phone calls 6.FAQ page helps staff time and phone calls in answering these same questions to customers and potential investors 8
Management involvement 1.Considerable efforts have been made to have the first VIPA Internet website in terms of: 1.resources required to develop the site 1.VIPA site was developed by volunteers (Australia and Japan) staff for ongoing maintenance (through funding made through PIF that fund training purposes for IPA staff on website development and maintenance 3.Liaising with other departments to get relevant information for the web content 4.Ensuring sufficient budget 5.Quality checks 9
Marketing VIPA web 10 1.Use of key words in SE ("Foreign Direct Investments in Vanuatu, Investment requirements in Vanuatu, Cost of doing business in Vanuatu, Why invest in Vanuatu, Investing in Vanuatu, Business opportunities in Vanuatu“ ) 2.Inclusion of web URL in: 1.All VIPA publications and Reports 2.Advertising magazines 3. s 4.Business cards 5.Media ads (TV, Radio..etc)
Obstacles 1.Lack of capacity: 1.Designing investment lead initiatives 2.Web development and maintenance skills 2.Lack of cooperation between partners 3.Access to relevant/required data 4.Limited resources 11
Website Management VIPA PROMOTIONAL STAFF/MANAGEM ENT CONTACT STAFF FROM LOCAL PARTNERS WEBSITE MANAGER / ADMINISTRATOR FINAL CHECK AND UPLOAD 12 Except for internal updating, information gathered through reactive approach
Website Management 1.Developed investment opportunities for promotion: 1.Not in detail format at this stage, 2.Provide basic overview information on key sectors where we believe there is opportunity to invest in 3.Brief adverts of potential investment opportunities 13
Website Management 1.Handling of inquiries ( electronic communication ) 1.Delegate to appropriate staff for response 2.Otherwise respond inform clients that their request will be forwarded to the appropriate department 3.Walk in clients: 1.We sit with them and discuss. 2.Accompany them for site visits or discussion with other parties 14
Conclusion 1.Issues: 1.Review Architecture and layout 1.Attractive and user-friendly 2.Clear and well-presented information 2.Inclusion of basic business cost data 3.Inclusion of detailed sector description on investment opportunities 4.Review and update of existing information including interactive features 5.Inclusion of tools such as website statistics 6.Improved coordination between local partners to provide content 2.VIPA looks forward to gain as much as possible from this workshop to improve its IPI system to a new level 15
Thank you Questions, Comments and discussion. 16