For e-EHIC ID 1 for e-EHIC ID Mid Term Workshop Deploying eEHIC services for borderless care in Europe By Noël Nader, Project Coordinator MED-e-TEL - LUXEXPO Luxembourg, 2nd April 2009
For e-EHIC ID 2 The Consortium 28 partners from 15 EU/EFTA members states + 5 sponsors 14 out of 28 partners are statutory health insurance or health fund organisations which are also the contracting parties of the General Agreement” 6 development and research institutions or standardisation bodies 2 technical organisations operating e-health services for the health insurance organisations 4 hospitals and/or health professional associations 2 regional governments The consortium is politically supported by government health authorities (Ministries of Health and Social Affairs)
For e-EHIC ID 3 The Provided Service The service for the electronification of the eye-readable EHIC serves three distinct processes : –Automated data capture for patient identification based on the EHIC common set of data elements –In some case, on-line verification of entitlement rights via national portals in the frame of a multilateral Agreement (G.A), and –Minimal data provision contributing to back office e-billing reconciliations The e-EHIC trustworthy dataset can be obtained either : –by scanning & optical recognition of the eye-readable EHIC information –or by reading national/regional health smart cards then by checking data on- line
For e-EHIC ID 4 The Project Team
For e-EHIC ID 5 The Managerial Structure WP1 (GIE SV) WP coordination and projet monitoring WP6 (IPG-LINZ) Evaluation WP8 (REGLOM) Dissemination & Communication WP7 (REGVEN) Socio-Eco Impact WP2 (HVOS) Maintenance & Evolution WP5 (AUTH) Security & data protection WP9 (ZZZS) Cooperation CASSTM/TC WP4 (ZI) Legal affairs (G.A) WP3 (GIE SV) Deployment
For e-EHIC ID 6 Estimated Total Investment PHASES Budget (M€) E.U community contribution (M€) Market Validation phase (A1) 0,50 0,25 Market Validation phase (A2-A3) 4,88 2,44 Initial Deployment phase (B) 15,33 3,50 ETIC (phases A.x + B)* 20,71 6,19 *Not including costs for exploitation and maintainance of the service
For e-EHIC ID 7 Phase B Mile Stones MACRO – PLANNING (T0 = 01/06/07) 500 SP / 225 SU Extension to other HIO Linking portals to all entitlement repositories Full Deployment Plan 15 national Portals 120 SP/ 58 SU User training Technical support OCR test procedure Portal Security audit Service Level Agreement 350 SP/ 175 SU eEHIC compatible Industrial Grade Roadmap & roll-out T0+12 T0+27T0+39 Monitoring service sites Observatory (industry & standardisation bodies) e-Billing enhancements M1 M2 M3
For e-EHIC ID 8 National Access Points
For e-EHIC ID 9 Service Unit/Points
For e-EHIC ID 10 Transactions
For e-EHIC ID 11 Transaction Breakdown
For e-EHIC ID 12 Outlook for Benefits For patients –Significantly simpler and faster procedures For health care providers –Less administration and manual typing of data, speeding up costs refunding For health insurance providers –Less administration, improved reliability and security of data –saving investment in new electronic card systems For business companies and the smart card and telecom Industry –Fostering the development of e-Health services on the European market For EU convergent policy –Interoperability amongst national health and social information systems –Validated professional basis for imminent political decisions on e-EHIC –Use of the same document at EU-wide scale –Implementing new e-Health services relying on the infrastructure (.e.g. secure access to medical prescription, pan-European project epSOS)
For e-EHIC ID 13 Long Term Sustainability Background 1.16 out of 28 partners are potential e-EHIC card issuers 2.G.A as legal basis for on-line verification at the point of care 3.Operational on-line infrastructure via National Access Points as potential gateways to EESSI in 15 EU/EFTA member states + Switzerland 4.Common ISSP and security audit approval procedure running service units/points foreseen by 2010 in the 16 countries as potential e-EHIC large scale pilots 6.Know-how and lessons learnt from experience 7.Implementation of Web Services based on the CWA e-EHIC Foreground –A potential piloting structure for the introduction of the e-EHIC in view of a political decision and EU-funding
For e-EHIC ID MS D Health Care Provider MS D Health Insurance Repository Portal NPAP/I PAP MS B Health Care Provider MS A Health Care Provider MS A Insurance repository NPAP/ IPAP Other National Schemes MS C Health Care Provider MS B Health Insurance repository NPAP/I PAP EESSI Inter linking on- line national infrastructures via EESSI
For e-EHIC ID 15 Conclusion The project consortium enlarged now to 28 beneficiaries and members for Germany (AOK Bayern, ZTG) and Poland (NFZ) Sponsors from Switzerland (Canton of Bâle), Bulgaria (NHIF) in addition to Smart Card Industry companies (GEMALTO, FIME, SIEMENS Informatica) Reallocation of the budget amongst partners is under consolidation Project Phase B time extension up to 30/11/2010 Technical cooperation with convergent EU-funded initiatives (epSOS, Stork, TEN4Health) is bridging the gap between the e-EHIC legal, functional, technical requirements and the legacy health information systems at national and regional scale
For e-EHIC ID 16 Thank you very much !