The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. Biometrics: an instrument for social inclusion in India François Perrachon, Senior Vice President, Sales Development, Morpho November 15th 2011
1 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. MORPHO, PART OF SAFRAN GROUP Morpho, the world leader in dedicated security technologies Morpho builds trust around the world by ensuring the safety and security of people, transportation, data and goods Mission - Protecting people, assets and communities with trusted global solutions Promise - Accompany customers over time by offering best-in-class identification and detection technologies to move forward in confidence Vision - Creating trust inventing innovative solutions for the security of states, citizens and goods No. 1 Worldwide World leaderships Biometric ID Documents Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS) Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) for Checked Baggage No. 1 Worldwide World leaderships Trace equipment Smart Cards Key Figures ➤ Revenues: billion euros, growth of > 15% ➤ Global team: More than 6,300+ employees In over 40 countries worldwide ➤ N°. 1 worldwide in ID documents integrating biometrics ➤ More than 60 subsidiaries and branches across five continents ➤ Over 8% annual turnover dedicated to R&D ➤ The only company mastering each technology in the security chain Figures as of 31 December 2010
2 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. MORPHO PRESENCE IN ARGENTINA Morpho in Argentina, a presence of more than 15 years through IAFIS Argentina Morpho AFIS systems operating in the country: Policía Federal Argentina (Department of Federal Police) - since 2001 Procuración General de Justicia de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Ministry of Justice - Buenos Aires Province) – since 2003 Policía de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires State Police) – since 2004 Policía de la Provincia de Neuquén (Neuquén State Police) - since 2005 Policía de la Provincia de La Pampa (La Pampa State Police) - since 2006 Policía de la Provincia de Córdoba (Córdoba State Police) - since 2009 Policía de la Provincia de Chubut (Chubut State Police) - since 2010 Policía de la Provincia de Corrientes (Corrientes State Police) to enter into operation shortly
3 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. Biometrics: an instrument for social inclusion in India The UIDAI Project in India
4 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. THE NEED FOR IDENTIFICATION UIDAI Project background Main obstacle: access to fundamental rights and subsidies Inability to establish and prove identity Lack of valid documents Need for a global answer, the AADHAAR project AADHAAR Project (Indian word meaning ‘foundation’) steered by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Delivery of unique identification number to all Indian residents Societal project, critical piece of infrastructure comparable to roads and bridges Enabler of equal access to rights, subsidies and basic public and private services to all Indian residents
5 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIETAL OBJECTIVES The unique identification number: an efficient solution No intermediary between institutions and residents Dramatic reduction of paperwork: no need for loads of ID proofs such as driving licences, birth certificates, electricity bills…. Cost efficiency for institutions Priority to social and financial inclusion Access to most fundamental rights to everyone Right to an acknowledged existence Number recognized as a KYC (Know Your Customer) by major banks, telecom operators, insurance companies Need for universal identification scheme, physically applicable to each Indian resident
6 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES UIDAI strategy Unique Identification Number for all Indian residents Storage in one accurate and reliable national database Access to services: Online, cost effective identity verification and authentication Unique identity: Elimination of duplicates and fake identities Only one possible technical answer: BIOMETRICS! Multi-biometrics to accomodate all cases: fingerprints, iris, face Largest database in the world – goal of 1 billion persons enrolled
7 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIAL INCLUSION TECHNOLOGICAL ENABLERS AADHAAR NUMBER FEATURES Unique Number Random – No intelligence Standardized identity attributes Profiling attributes Transaction records All residents including children Voluntary No Guarantees to Right, Entitlement, Citizenship
8 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIAL INCLUSION TECHNOLOGICAL ENABLERS UIDAI GLOBAL VISION CIDR Front End Registrar System Enrolment Interface Enrolment Interface Private Portal Private Portal Biometric Deduplication Solution Biometric Deduplication Solution Front End Verification Interface Verification Interface Public Portal Public Portal Enrolment Agency Enrolment Agency Resident Enrolment Agency Enrolment Agency Resident
9 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIAL INCLUSION TECHNOLOGICAL ENABLERS FOCUS ON BIOMETRIC ENROLMENT Based on the latest generation biometric technologies, all ten finger prints, photograph and both iris scans are captured
10 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIAL INCLUSION TECHNOLOGICAL ENABLERS FOCUS ON ENROLMENT PROCESS Enrolment Proof of Concept. Analysis POC Data Recommendations, Standards Building the enrolment ecosystem through Registrars Biometric Acquisition Devices Certification Development of Enrolment Software Enrolment Agencies Empanelment CITIZENS DATA FLOW ENROLMENT AGENCIES UIDAI REGISTRARS
11 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIAL INCLUSION TECHNOLOGICAL ENABLERS FOCUS ON DE-DUPLICATION AND VERIFICATION MorphoBSS™ (Morpho Biometric Search Services) is the Biometric Engine delivered by Morpho and its consortium partner to support the UIDAI Program One product for de-duplication and verification Full software solution Delivered to Morpho partner: Mahindra Satyam
12 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIAL INCLUSION TECHNOLOGICAL ENABLERS FOCUS ON DE-DUPLICATION AND VERIFICATION Fully software-based 1:1 & 1:N matching solution Running on commodity hardware and open system (Linux) Flexible interface, supports various protocols, message & data formats MorphoBSS Scalability Upgradeability Performance High Availability Flexible architecture Highly Accurate 100 % of the full database is searched Multi modal fusion Juvenile Management Data Driven approach No binning, non partitioning Best utilization of CPU resources Fail over mechanism Unprecedented scalability Highly tunable Supporting hot upgrade scenarios
13 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIAL INCLUSION TECHNOLOGICAL ENABLERS FOCUS ON AUTHENTICATION On-Line and real time Accessible anytime anywhere Only Yes / No response – no details Central UID Database 1:1 Authentication Service Service Providers Credibility Privacy Adoption
14 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. SOCIAL INCLUSION: SERVICES
15 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. CURRENT STATUS Target rollout 600 million residents by 2014 Progress so far - Key Highlights Aadhaar launched by PM and UPA Chairperson on September 29, 2010 in Nandurbar district, Maharashtra Entire population of > 1500 people in Tembhali village, Nandurbar issued Aadhaar numbers 65 million Aadhaar numbers generated till date (November 2011) Run rate of IDs: Ramped up from 50 per day on first day of issue to per day mid 2011 and now to 1 million Aadhaars generated per day
16 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. CURRENT STATUS Financial Inclusion 80% of Residents have opted for opening a bank account. UID enabled authentication available for banks and pension fund. Infrastructure 220 Enrolment Agencies have been empanelled 15 Training Centres opened Call Centre available
17 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. FUTURE TRENDS The largest civil identity program in the world 1 Crore = 10 Millions
18 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. CONCLUSION: THE UIDAI PROGRAM A new paradigm for biometrics Usage for social and financial purposes rather than pure security A major milestone for biometrics program Biometrics technology at the service of Citizens A technological breakthrough Biometrics technology ready for global deployment
19 / MORPHO CONFIDENTIAL – NOVEMBER 2011 The confidential information contained in this document is the sole propriety of Morpho. It must not be copied or disclosed without prior written consent from Morpho. Thank You Any Question?