Phase 3 Training Data Analysis
Analysis Tab Overview What does the Analysis Tab provide? – Details on a student’s and class’s progress – Data on each node, unit and student – Course data for each question in the course What should you do with this information? –Review “Knowledge Trends” for successful interventions and topics needing possible revision –Examine questions and answer metrics for validity, discrimination, possible revision 2
Do Instructors Need It? 3 Probably not. Why not? Status and Details tab provide ample data on individual students whole group node-by-node or entire unit
Do Instructors Need It? 4 Probably not. Why not?
Do Instructors Need It? 5
Analysis Tab: Who Needs It? 6 Course Leads, Program Chairs, Program Deans... ►►►Decision makers responsible for course and program outcomes
Data Analysis: Analysis Tab 7 3 Areas for Analysis Statistics Knowledge Trends Examine Questions
Data Analysis: Analysis Tab 8
9 Show details of individual questions Show summary details for each type of question Examine metrics calculated from use of question
Data Analysis: Analysis Tab 10 Show summary details for each type of question
Data Analysis: Analysis Tab 11 Examine metrics calculated from use of question
Data Analysis: Analysis Tab 12 Examine metrics calculated from use of question
Analysis Tab: Statistics 13 Statistics Students’ ability level on each topic Can change values to view how students compare to class average Students’ ability level on each topic
Analysis Tab: Statistics 14 Table Format
Analysis Tab: Statistics 15 Table Format
Analysis Tab: Statistics 16 Table Format
Analysis Tab: Statistics 17 Table Format
Analysis Tab: Statistics 18 Table Format
Analysis Tab: Statistics 19 Graph Format
Analysis Tab: Statistics 20 Activity Data
Analysis Tab: Statistics 21
Analysis Tab: Statistics 22
Analysis Tab: Knowledge Trends 23 Knowledge Trends Students’ knowledge trends on each topic/node within a Phase Individually or as a group Shows students’ growth within a timeframe Can use to determine which topics students are struggling with Can use to determine which interventions have been successful.
Analysis Tab: Knowledge Trends 24 Knowledge Trends Students’ knowledge trends on each topic/node within a Phase Individually or as a group Shows students’ growth within a timeframe Can use to determine which topics students are struggling with Can use to determine which interventions have been successful. Provides a way for instructor and manager to evaluate iPath teaching effectiveness over time.
Analysis Tab: Knowledge Trends 25 Knowledge Trends Students’ knowledge trends on each topic/node within a Phase Individually or as a group Shows students’ growth within a timeframe Can use to determine which topics students are struggling with Can use to determine which interventions have been successful.
Analysis Tab: Knowledge Trends 26 Knowledge Trends Students’ knowledge trends on each topic/node within a Phase Individually or as a group Shows students’ growth within a timeframe Can use to determine which topics students are struggling with Can use to determine which interventions have been successful.
Analysis Tab: Knowledge Trends 27
► Making progress or falling behind? Learning Log 28 Shows each entry and action a student has taken with time/date stamp ► Frequently abandoning lessons? ► Taking retests without learning time between? ► Putting off work until last moment?
Learning Log – Learning Profile 29
Knowledge Spread 30
Learning Log 31