Education Connection Discipline Data
Web address: User ID: (your primary ID, a full or partial spelling of your last name, may include initial of first name) Example: SmithJ Password: (same as Lawson, may differ from IDEAS password)
If you get a prompt to configure your credentials, do so. If you are asked about closing the window, click Yes.
Getting and exporting the data from “Education Connection”
Make a note of the report date: Nov 10, 2008 (same for all reports) Reports are run every Monday.
If not done already, maximize the window size
Open drop-down menu Select 75% view
Select Area by clicking + sign
Select School by clicking + sign
Click + sign to see list of students
Click + sign to see list of this student’s incidents by number
Drag edge to widen view
Click to open graph
Scroll down to improve view of graph
Click to begin Export
Open drop-down menu Select Microsoft Excel ( )
Note this page number
Enter same page number Export
Select and note folder / location where file will be saved
Rename file. Example format: (date)DisciplineActions.xls
“Download Complete” confirmation
To view other data
Repeat same steps.
Opening the graph in Excel to copy & paste it into a Word document or Powerpoint presentation, and/or to print the graph. Double-click the saved.xls file.
If not done already, maximize the window size
Open drop-down menu Select Copy
Pasting into a Powerpoint presentation After pasting, you may print the “slide” view to get a full page landscape graph.
If the graph is off-center, click in the center to drag it to the desired location. If the graph is too big, click on a corner and drag toward the center of the graph to make it smaller.
Van Buren 8/18/08 – 11/10/08 Add a heading with the date range.
Pasting into a Microsoft Word document Place the cursor where you want the graph to go. Paste, move and resize the graph as described in the preceding frames. To view or print a full page view, change page setup to “landscape.” Resize the graph, as needed.
Sharing Data and Preparing Supplemental Data
Set a regular monthly date to access and save your data. Ask your Principal how s/he wants to summarize, use, and share the data Examples: –Powerpoint presentation to the Behavior Leadership Team –Print charts for Professional Learning Community focusing on behavioral data – a Word document to all faculty
Explore other data sources to identify and target services to: –Top 10 frequently referring teachers and –Top 25 frequently referred students Other data sources include: –Mainframe printouts –E-reports (discipline section) Prepare graphs comparing monthly trends of exclusionary discipline actions (e.g., OSS, ATOSS, ISS, Bus suspension) –May use Education Connection data (subtract prior month from current cumulative total)
Van Buren 8/18/08 – 11/10/ is cumulative total for Nov was total for Oct. 13 report. Data for current month is 26 ATOSS events.
Support the message that “Referrals are vitally important.” They help with allocation of services for individual students, classroom interventions, and schoolwide behavioral systems. Beware of staff suppressing referrals due to increased analysis of the data by supervisors.