Graphs How to set up successful graphs in Mrs. Hoyer’s class!
Target: I can clearly communicate data through the use of a graph. Success Criteria: Choose the appropriate type of graph for the data given. Include a descriptive title Place data on correct Axis. Use data’s range to choose an appropriate scale for each axis. Choose appropriate intervals based on your scale. Give each axis an appropriate label (Include units if needed)
Data Tables and Graphs Data tables and graphs are useful tools for both recording and communicating scientific data.
Data Tables We use data tables to organize and record information we gather and measurements we take. Soil pH and its effect on plant growth
Can you name a type of graph?
Types of Graphs
When do you use a…… Line Graph: –To show relationships between variables. –Show change, or trends, over time. –For continuous data
Circle Graph (Pie Chart) Used only when the data can be expressed as percentages of a whole. The entire circle equals 100%.
Bar Graph Used to show data that are not continuous Allows us to compare data like amounts, frequency, or categories.
Scatter Plot A graph of plotted points that show the relationship between two sets of data.
How to set up your graph!
Y Axis (This is for your dependent variable)
How to set up your graph! X Axis (This is for your independent variable)
What things should your graph include?
TAILS T T - Title Teachers' Favorite Singer
TAILS T - T - Title A - Axis Teachers' Favorite Singer Y Axis = Dependent Variable X Axis = Independent Variable
TAILS T - T - Title A – Axis S – Scale Teacher's Favorite Singer Decide on an appropriate scale for each axis. Choose a scale that lets you make the graph as large as possible for your paper and data
How to determine scale Scale is determined by your highest & lowest number. In this case your scale would be from 2 – 22. Favorite Singer Number of Teachers Aerosmith22 Eagles15 Madonna11 Elvis5 Sinatra2
How to determine Intervals The interval is decided by your scale. In this case your scale would be from 2 – 22 and you want the scale to fit the graph. The best interval would be to go by 5’s. Favorite Singer Number of Teachers Aerosmith22 Eagles15 Madonna11 Elvis5 Sinatra2
TAILS T – Title A – Axis I – Interval S – Scale Teachers' Favorite Singer The amount of space between one number and the next or one type of data and the next on the graph. The interval is just as important as the scale Choose an interval that lets you make the graph as large as possible for your paper and data
TAILS T – Title A – Axis I – Interval S – Scale Teachers' Favorite Singer
TAILS T – Title A – Axis I – Interval L – Labels S – Scale Teachers' Favorite Singer Aerosmith Eagles Madonna Elvis Sinatra Singers Give the bars on the X axis a label. What do those words represent? (Manipulated Variable) Number of Teachers Label your Y Axis. What do those numbers mean? (responding variable)
Independent Practice Graph the following data. Decide which type of graph to use and why. Follow the TAILS format. Sam's Weight MonthWeight in kg January49 February54 March61 April69 May 73
Temperatures In NY City DayTemperature 143° F 253° F 350° F 457° F 559° F 6 67° F