SJSU – CmpE Fall 2002 Enterprise & Application Frameworks Dr. M.E. Fayad, Professor Computer Engineering Department – RM# College of Engineering San José State University One Washington Square San José, CA URL:
L7-S2Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Class Diagrams-Part II
L7-S3Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Acknowledgements “Developing Software With UML: Object Oriented Analysis and Design in Practice” By: Bernd Oestereich Using UML: Software Engineering with Objects and Components By: Rob Pooley and Perdita Stevens “Rational Rose UML Tutorial and Demo” Rational Software Corporation
L7-S4Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Generalization, Specialization Related terms: inheritance Definition: –Inheritance is a programming language concept; an implementation mechanism for the relationship between superclasses and subclasses by means of which attributes and operations of a superclass also become accessible to its subclasses.
L7-S5Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Generalization, Specialization Notation: –The inheritance relation is represented by means of a large empty arrow pointing from the subclass to the superclass. Superclass Subclass
L7-S6Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Generalization, Specialization Example: GeomFigure {abstract} x: Integer y: Integer visible: Boolean display() {abstract} Remove() {abstract} moveTo(pX, pY) Triangle a {c-b<a<b+c} b {a-c<b<a+c} c {a-b<c<a+b} setSides(pA,pB,pC) display() remove() Rectangle a {a>0} b {b>0} setSides(pA, pB) display() remove() Circle radius {radius >0) setRadius(pR) display() remove()
L7-S7Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Multiple Inheritance In multiple inheritance, a class can have more than one superclass. Animal Fish Aquatic Trout Mammal Dolphin Terrestrial Pig Habitat
L7-S8Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Multiple Inheritance Example: Vehicle name manufacuturer Windpowered Vehicle minWindForce maxWindForce Motor Vehicle fuelType power Water Vehicle draught displacement surfaceOfSails numOfSails SailingBoat LocomotionMedium KindOfPower{Overlapping}
L7-S9Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Multiple Inheritance Overlapping Versus Disjoint overlappingSailingboat name manufacturer draught displacement surfaceOfSails numOfSails disjointSailingBoat waterVehicle:name waterVehicle:manufacturer windpoweredVehicle.manufacturer draught displacement surfaceOfSails numOfSails
L7-S10Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Behavior Diagrams
L7-S11Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Activity Diagrams Related terms: object state, action state, state diagram Description: –An activity is a single step in a processing procedure.
L7-S12Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Activity Diagrams
L7-S13Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Sequence Diagrams Related terms: interaction diagram, event trace diagram, scenario, message diagram. Definition: –A sequence shows a series of messages exchanged by a selected set of objects in a temporally limited situation, with an emphasis on the chronological course of events.
L7-S14Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Sequence Diagrams
L7-S15Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Collaboration Diagrams Related terms: cooperation diagram, interaction diagram, object diagram Definition: –A collaboration diagram shows a set of interactions between selected objects in a specific, limited situation, focusing on the relations between the objects.
L7-S16Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Collaboration Diagrams
L7-S17Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Questions?
L7-S18Modeling Fall 2002 SJSU – CmpE M.E. Fayad Rational Rose Demonstration