Comparing Forms of Government How should political and economic power be distributed in a society? CIVICS – Chapter 2 1 1
Preview In your opinion, which one of the following people or groups should have the power to make the rules at school, and why? principal teachers student council other Are there any people or groups above that should not make the rules at your school? If so, why not? 2 2
Comparing Governments and Economies Read pages 20-35 and complete the chart: Define the type of government or economy List some positives (pros) List some negatives (cons)
Comparing Governments and Economies MONARCHY EXAMPLE Definition: a system of government in which a single ruler exercises supreme power based on heredity or divine right Pros: efficient, clear line of succession Cons: quality of leadership can vary dramatically, too much power in one person
Types of Government Dictatorship A system of government in which a single person exercises supreme power based upon force Pros = centralized power, peace and order Cons = no opposition allowed, serious legitimacy problems Theocracy A system of government headed by religious leaders Pros = single state religion encourages unity, political decisions in line with moral beliefs Cons = religious minorities often persecuted, difficult to enforce religious unity
Types of Government Single-party state Direct democracy A system in which only one political party is allowed Pros = easier to pass laws Cons = opposition is left out of the political process Direct democracy A system in which public decisions are made directly by citizens Pros = each citizen has a say Cons = very time consuming and inefficient
Types of Government Parliamentary democracy Presidential democracy A system which voters elect lawmakers (who select a leader) Pros = easier to get legislation passed Cons = no clear separation of power, frequent change of leaders Presidential democracy A system which voters elect lawmakers and a president Pros = separation of powers, fixed terms of office Cons = no way to remove President, gridlock if lawmakers and President are from opposing parties
Systems of Government Unitary system Federal system A system which power is centralized in national government Pros = promotes national unity Cons = public policies may not fit the needs of the entire country or population Federal system A system in which power is divided between national and regional governments Pros = good for large, diverse countries Cons = conflict between national and regional governments, conflicting or competing laws
Systems of Government Confederal system Confederal system A system which power resides in the regions, the central government gets power from regional governments Confederal system Pros = prevents rise of authoritarian central government, flexible to meet local needs Cons = central government too weak to meet the nations needs, conflict between regions
Economic Systems Traditional economy Traditional economy A economic system in which decisions about what goods and services to produce are made on the basis of tradition Traditional economy Pros = people can provide for themselves Cons = low standard of living, limited access to goods and services
Economic Systems Market economy Market economy A economic system that relies mainly on markets to determine what goods and service to produce Market economy Pros = competition keeps prices from rising, meets needs based on demand Cons = instability, periods of growth alternate with recession, unequal distribution of wealth
Economic Systems Command economy Command economy A economic system in which decisions about what goods and services are made by the central government Command economy Pros = can ensure full employment, price controls, and income equality Cons = low worker incentive, planners less efficient than the market
Power, Politics, and You Read the “Power, Politics, and You” section of the chapter. Then, be prepared to respond to the following questions: The authors of this article point out the trend of democracy stagnation. What factors account for this, and why is each a problem? How do the current methods of suppressing political dissenters around the world differ from past methods of repression? Do you think that this is an issue that we, as Americans, should be concerned about? Why or why not? 13 13
Processing Imagine that you are advising a country that is creating a new constitution. Below are the priorities that the country might have when it come to a government and an economic system. For each possible priority, identify the combination (form of government + system of government + economic system) you would recommend. Then write one or two sentences explaining why you think this combination works best for the particular priority. Monarchy Unitary Traditional 14 14
Freedom = __________________ + __________________ + __________________ For each of the priorities that appear below, several students will share their combination of form of government, system of government and economic system and explain why they think their combination works best for the particular priority. Form of government System of government Economic system Efficiency = __________________ + __________________ + __________________ Freedom = __________________ + __________________ + __________________ Prosperity = __________________ + __________________ + __________________ Equality = __________________ + __________________ + __________________ Security = __________________ + __________________ + __________________ 15 15