SAINT2002 Towards Next Generation January 31, 2002 Ly Sauer Sandia National Laboratories Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
2 Future of SAINT Internet is an Evolving Concept –Internet has/will Continue to Evolve as the Technology Matures and as We Find Other Uses of the Technology Massively Parallel Computing Platforms Research Institution’s Communication Vehicle Mechanism for Connecting the Masses E-Business Mobile Computing Etc. SAINT (wrt the “Internet”) Needs to Remain Fluid.
3 Future of SAINT “Applications” is a Broad Concept –Webster’s Defines “Application” as “A computer program with a user interface.” “Of or being a computer program designed for a specific task or use :- Application software for a missile guidance system.” –As the Internet Usage Broadens, so will the Applications for the Internet SAINT (wrt “Applications”) Needs to Maintain a Broad Scope.
4 Future of SAINT - Recommendation Each SAINT Program Committee Should Determine: –The Important Research/Technologies that have Evolved and/or Improved the Internet. –Select a Set of Application Topics that Realizes the Usage of the Current Internet Evolution. –Examples of Potential Topics Distance Learning, Mobile Computing, Distance Scientific Computing, etc.
5 Evolution of Computer Science Simulation-based Analysis (e.g., Weapon Engineering, Nuclear Waste Repositories) Computer Science is Used to –Develop Analysis Codes (Programs) Physics, Chemistry, Geo-Science, etc. Programming Skills, Software Engineering –Provide Integrated Simulation & Computing Environment Programming Skills, Software Engineering This Combination Applies to Other Disciplines Will Increase as More Complex Systems are Needed
6 Evolution of CS - Recommendation Modify Computer Science Curriculum to Support –Computer Science Concentrate More on Developing a “Bag of Tricks” Like Other Engineering Disciplines –Applied Computer Science Half of Curriculum Consists of Computer Science Education Half of Curriculum Consists of Domain Specific Education (e.g., Bio-Medical, Physics, Geo-Science)