Switch 2 Semesters Planning for Associate of Arts and Science Tools and Tips for Success in your Transition
Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) Degree Requirement Checklists Transfer Guides for Specific Colleges Degree Audit Report (DARS) Transfer Information Academic Advisors Tools For A Successful Switch 2 Semesters
Which degree plan are you following at CSCC? Your intended major at the 4-year college determines the degree plan you follow at CSCC Examples of related 4-year majors: Associate of Arts (AA)Associate of Science (AS) ArtArchitecture PsychologyChemistry Elementary EducationEngineering HistoryMathematics CommunicationHealth Related Majors SociologyPre-Professional Programs (e.g., Pre-Medicine, Pre-Pharmacy) General rule: If you need advanced Math and/or Science for your intended major, follow the AS plan Step 1: Know Your Major
92 quarter hours/61 semester hours Coursework in English & Intermediate Composition Math Historical Study Literature, Culture & Performing Arts Social & Behavioral Sciences Biological & Physical Sciences Additional Requirements AA and AS Degree Requirements
Columbus State with other Ohio community colleges and state universities will switch to a semester calendar beginning Autumn 2012 Start making your plan for the switch to semesters with an advisor for questions Step 2: Understand Semesters
The “Transition” Student A student who starts at CSCC under Quarters and graduates under Semesters (YOU!) Credit Hour Formula 1 credit hour x 2/3 = new semester hour value Ex. 45 quarter credit hours x 2/3 = 30 semester credits Full-Time Enrollment 12 credit hours needed Costs Same costs annually Pledge to Students No loss of progress or delay to degree completion The Semester Basics
Compare: Quarters vs. Semesters Quarter Length: 10 weeks of instruction 1 week of exams 4 quarters (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer) Possible Schedule: ASC 190 (2) ENGL 101 (3) MATH 102 (4) HUM 151 (5) Hours in Class: 14 hours/week Total hours for graduation: 92 Semester Length: 15 weeks of instruction 1 week of exams 2 semesters + summer term (Autumn, Spring, Summer) Possible Schedule: COLS 1100 (1) ENGL 1100 (3) MATH 1020 (2) HIST 1151 (3) PSY 1100 (3) Hours in class: 12 hours/week Total hours for graduation: 61
Complete your Transitional Plan of Study using Planned Courses in DARS Must be able to graduate by the end of Summer Semester 2014 to continue with current degree requirements Students who will graduate after Summer Semester 2014 will follow degree requirements that go into effect Autumn Semester 2012 Run your degree audit report (DARS) to identify what you need to complete your degree Verify that your major and catalog year are correct Submit transcripts from other colleges Step 3: Run a Degree Audit
Advising tool that helps you determine progress toward completion of your degree requirements Go to Click on CougarWeb (under Student Quick Links) Click on CougarWeb for Students Log in Click on My Degree Audit Log in Click on Submit a New Audit (If your Active Program of Study is not correct, click on Run a ‘What If’ Audit, and select your Program Name from the drop-down menu. Then click on Submit a New Audit. NOTE: This will not change your Program of Study permanently. You will still need to contact Records & Registration to update your record.) Degree Audit Report (DARS)
Serves as verification of CSCC’s and your commitment to completing your degree requirements by Su ’14 under the current curriculum Can only be completed with an Advisor It will be saved permanently within the Degree Audit system This process guarantees you the CSCC Pledge to Students *These are not mandatory, but recommended.* DARS Pledge Audits
Not planning on graduating from Columbus State Planning on changing your major to one of Columbus State’s health programs and you will not be admitted to program until after Summer Quarter 2012 Graduating before AU 2012 Wanting to change to new curriculum requirements Who Does NOT Need a Pledge Audit?
Be in touch with your advisor at your four year college if they will also be switching to semesters Note that CSCC Transfer Guides to other colleges will be changing Meet with an academic advisor to see how this effects you individually Step 4: Plan Ahead
Go to the following link to print a checklist: Degree Requirements for catalog year will be published here. AA and AS Degree Requirement Checklists
Summer Quarter 2012Autumn Semester 2012 Spring Semester 2013 DEV 030Dev 0115Math 1050 DEV 031Math 1050Math 1075 Math 102Math 1030Math 1075 Math 103Math 1075Math 1116, 1130 or 1148 Math 104Math 1116, 1130 or 1148 Math 116, 130 or 148 Math Sequence for AA With Switch to Semesters
Summer Quarter 2012Autumn Semester 2012 Spring Semester 2013 Math 102Math 1030Math 1075 Math 103Math 1075Math 1148 Math 104Math 1148Math 1149 Math 148Math 1149Math 1151 Math 150Math 1511Math 1152 Math Sequence for AS With Switch to Semesters
Math for Elementary Education: Math (Quarter) Math (Semester) Business Majors: Math (Quarter) Math (Semester) Other Majors: Statistics may be required for Bachelor's Degree Math 135 (Quarter) Statistics 1350 or 1450 (Semester) Graduation Requirements: Math 116, 148, 130 (Quarter) Math 1116, 1148, and 1130 (Semester) and above are considered college level math classes Special Considerations for Math Sequencing with S2S
What requirements have you met? What do you still need to fulfill? When do you want to graduate? Which quarters/semesters are more difficult for you? What prerequisites do you need here and at your intended 4-year college? What sequence of classes do you need? Do you have 92 quarter/61 semester hours to graduate? What is your intended major and college? What are your strengths and potential obstacles? Putting It All Together: Projection to Graduation
Transfer Fair – Autumn Quarter Advisor Visitation Program & College Visits College Transfer Guides Web sites: u.select ( CollegeNET (college search engine) ( CollegeSource (information from college catalogs) ( Step 5: Plan to Transition to a Four-Year College
Office hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00am-7:30pm Friday 9:30am-4:30pm Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm Appointment system on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, so plan ahead and schedule an appointment by stopping by our office (Aquinas 116) or calling (614) Walk-ins seen on Tuesdays & Wednesdays; you may expect a wait us with general questions: Call with quick questions for an advisor: (614) See your advisor before you register for the next quarter Advising Services