Acquiring, Processing, and Retaining Information Chapter 8 Acquiring, Processing, and Retaining Information
I. Acquiring Information Learning Curves Attention + motivation = rapid learning Engaged Chemicals in brain Learning curve Gradual increase in retained material
I. Acquiring Information Chemical Influences on Learning Stimulants increase learning (too much is bad though) Depressants decrease learning *State-dependent learning
I. Acquiring Information Emotional Factors in learning Having emotion involved increases learning Increases brain activity
I. Acquiring Information Transfer of Training: transfer knowledge to new situations Positive Transfer: two similar tasks Use past task to help with new Negative Transfer: previously learned task interferes with learning new task Old task interferes with the new
III. Information Processing Theory 3 stages information passes through before it is stored Sensory Memory, Short Term Memory, Long Term Memory Long Term is where encoding happens
III. Information Processing Theory Sensory Memory Iconic Memory (some not all encoded) Short-Term (Working Memory) Events encoded as visual, acoustic or semantic codes Selective attention – we encode what we are attending to Rehearsal, mnemonic devices encoding Long-Term Unlimited capacity for memory Episodic, Semantic, Procedural
III. Retaining Information Short & Long Term Memory Amnesia: blocking of older memories/loss of new ones Serial position effect – order of items in a list Sequence of Memory Loss Primacy and Recency effect Primacy – remember the 1st things Recency – remember the last things
II. Info Processing Theory Using a Schema: way of solving problems Importance of Organizing Information Concepts Prototypes
II. Info Processing Special Processes Elaboration: Making maximum number of associations to a basic concept Easy retrieval Tie new information to old information Example: New=REM, Old=Dream REM=Dream
II. Info Processing Mnemonic Devices: memory aids Method of Loci: Remember spatial relationships Acronyms: ROY G. BIV Narrative Chaining: Make a story to remember
II. Info Processing Principle Learning: learn basic idea Chunking: Arranging things into clusters or chunks of information Spacing Effect: Retain more if you study a little bit over a longer period of time
III. Retaining Information Principles of Forgetting Forgetting: errors when trying to recall memory The forgetting curve Overlearning: learn it over and over and over >1 Reptition “Oh Say Can You See _______” “Who Let the Dogs________”
III. Retaining Information Recall & Recognition: Recall: ability to bring back and to integrate many specific learned details Recognition: Ability to pick the correct object or even from a lit of choices Tip of the tongue phenomenon
III. Retaining Information Ebbinghaus – nonsense syllables Interference Theory: new/old information conflict with each other
III. Retaining Information Mechanisms of Memory Physical Change in synapse Chemicals increase with learning Making connections faster Long Term Potentiation – strengthening neural signals
III. Retaining Information Unusual Types of Memory Photographic Memory (eidetic) Eye-witness Memory Very defective Who Dunnit? Fox News Eye Witness Discovery Channel 60 Minutes Part 1 Part 2
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