TIA Report on Global Standards Collaboration 11 Meeting (GSC-11) Telecommunications Industry Association Dan Bart
2 Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) The Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) is an initiative of the ITU, ETSI, the United States' Committee T1 and the Japanese TTC. GSC provides for the regular exchange of work programs and other information in a number of agreed high-interest technical areas, and has attracted a growing number of other participants from around the world. As its name implies, its goal is to promote global standards in these areas of common interest.
3 TIA Participates in GSC as a PSO
4 At GSC-10 in August 2005 (ETSI), TIA Offered to Host GSC-11 in Chicago To be held week before GLOBALCOMM™2006 At McCormick Place Hyatt Carryover some Delegates and HoDs to GLOBALCOMM events and programming Funded by TIA Delegates and Sponsorships
5 GSC-11 Participation 119 Total Participants – 109 Delegates and Observers ( ), 6 staff, 3 or 4 "Other" -- speakers, non-delegate guests ITU and PSOs: ACIF: 3, ARIB: 5, ATIS: 9, CCSA: 7, ETSI: 16, ISACC: 6, TIA: 12, TTA: 13, TTC: 7, ITU: 13 Observers: – ANSI: 2, IEEE: 1, CDG: 2, IETF: 1, CEA: 1, IEC SB4: 1, CEPT ECC: 1, JTC1: 1, CITEL: 1, OMA: 1, FLO Forum: 1, SCTE: 2, GSMA: 1, 3G Americas: 1, WWRF-WWI: 1
6 A Week of meetings to cover High Interest Subjects and Areas All inputs and outputs are on GSC Web site Only final outputs are Communiqué and Final Resolutions GSC-9: 15 Resolutions (Seoul) GSC-10: 16 Resolutions (Sophia Antipolis) GSC-11: 24 Resolutions (Chicago)
7 GSC-11 Resolutions List Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization Emergency Communications Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Open Standards New High Interest Subject Healthcare ICT Standards New High Interest Subject - IPTV Standards Global UWB Standardization Automotive Crash Notification Support for Vehicle Safety Messaging Terminology for Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Support for WSC Workshop on ICT in Motor Vehicles - Geneva 2007 Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies for Assessing Human Exposure to RF Energy Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies, associated Measurement Uncertainty and Calibration Public Protection and Disaster Relief Next-Generation Networks (NGN) Cybersecurity Home Networking Intellectual Property Rights Policies Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas Protection of Personally Identifiable Information User Needs, Considerations and Involvement Radio Microphones and Cordless Audio Standardization Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Network and Ad Hoc Networking, particularly for Systems providing Broadband Wireless Access
8 GSC-11 Resolutions List (Red are ones where TIA was lead or prime PSO (PPSO) Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization Emergency Communications Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Open Standards New High Interest Subject Healthcare ICT Standards New High Interest Subject - IPTV Standards Global UWB Standardization Automotive Crash Notification Support for Vehicle Safety Messaging Terminology for Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Support for WSC Workshop on ICT in Motor Vehicles - Geneva 2007 Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies for Assessing Human Exposure to RF Energy Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies, associated Measurement Uncertainty and Calibration Public Protection and Disaster Relief Next-Generation Networks (NGN) Cybersecurity Home Networking Intellectual Property Rights Policies Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas Protection of Personally Identifiable Information User Needs, Considerations and Involvement Radio Microphones and Cordless Audio Standardization Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Network and Ad Hoc Networking, particularly for Systems providing Broadband Wireless Access
9 Stats: Number of Contributions to the meetings and number of Resolutions where lead or PPSO ITU: 21, 1 Res ACIF (Australia): 3 ARIB (Japan): 4, 1 Res ATIS (USA): 17, 2 Res CCSA (China): 7 ETSI (EU): 35, 7 Res ISACC (Canada): 5, 3 Res TIA (USA): 44, 9 Res TTA (Korea): 12, 1 Res TTC (Japan): 7 OBS (as a group): 16 Totals, including Contributions, Resolutions, and Contributions to User Workshop which was co- located (ranked, top 5): – TIA 56 – ETSI 45 – Observers 23 – ITU 22 – ATIS 20
10 Conclusions GSC-11 A very successful and productive GSC, overall A very successful and productive GSC for TIA TIA improved in area of proposed Resolutions Planning has started for GSC-12 in Japan July 8-13, 2007
11 Conclusions GSC-11 Anil Kripalani, GSC-11 Chairman, observed: “People's lives are positively impacted by the world of modern global telecommunications. Leaders from ICT standards bodies from around the world came together this week to address a wide range of subjects including healthcare, public safety, and entertainment, and to continue harmonizing their standards activities and increasing the collaboration in the global community.” Dan Bart, TIA Senior Vice-President, Standards and Special Projects, said: “This GSC meeting provided an appropriate occasion to recognize the long service and outstanding contribution of Karl Heinz Rosenbrock, the outgoing Director General of ETSI. His positive influence in bringing together the world of telecommunication standards will have a lasting impact on our community.”
12 Thank You! Questions? Dan Bart
13 Discussion?