Local policeman cutting off Yakov Yehoshua Steinboim ’ s sidelocks,1939
September 1st World War II breaks out when Germany invades Poland. September 15 The German army enters Hrubieszow December 1st Death march of Chelm and Hrubieszow Jews to the river Bug. Establishment of the Ghetto, Judenrat and Jewish Police. June 1st deportation of 3,400 Hrubieszow Jews to the Sobibor death camp. June 9 Deportation of 2,000 Jews to death camp in Belzec. October 28 Deportation of 2,000 Jews to the Sobibor death camp September Liquidation of 160 Jews, last of the “Cleaning” unit
8,000 Jews were herded into the ghetto in the old market place, and lived there in isolation Map of the Jewish Quarter (drawn from memory by Abraham Silberstein) The Old Market Place The Public Bath-house Residence of Rabbi Wertheim Town Hall The Cemetery Market Place The Pharmacy The Council The Syndicate House Dam Church Shools (Beth Hamidrash) Flour mill Church The Zamosz Bridge The Cinema ghetto
Jewish men of Hrubieszow before the Death March, December 1939
From left: Joseph Schwartz (father of Shalom Omri), Isser Shorer and Shalom Omri From the testimony of Shalom Omri Omri survivor of the “death march”:
…”In December 1939 the Germans announced that all Jewish men aged 15 to 65 should appear the next morning at 7 am in aground near the town. There were rumors about forced labor. We showed up, very innocently, but soon realized that this unfortunate morning was the beginning of a “death march”- expulsion, on foot, of the Jews of Chelm & Hrubieszow to the Russian border. I was 17; after two days of quick march without food & water we nearly collapsed. The Germans solved it simply – four of their men started to shoot down those who lagged behind. Many of the Jews fell & their bodies were spread in the mire. Among them was my uncle Israel. With my last effort I tried to help him, but when they saw it, they shot him down. At the end of that day we arrived at the bridge on the river Bug – the border between Russian occupied Polish territory. The Germans officer surprised us announcing that we can go over to the Germans. Four Russian soldiers dragged me to the German side. We found refuge in the house of a local farmer…. That night I swore that never again will I let this happen – no more exile, no more a worthless & defenseless people.”
After the war some survivors returned and arranged burial of the victims After the war some survivors returned and arranged burial of the victims. Unveiling of Holocaust memorial in the old cemetery, Hrubieszow 1947
50 years after the war, Shalom Omri and Avraham Silberstein decided to build a monument to commemorate the Jewish Holocaust victims of Hrubieszow. The unveiling of the Monument took place on July 9, 1997, under auspices of the Mayor and his attendance, together with members of the Hrubieszow landsmannschaft in Israel, USA, Canada and Australia. Pieces of old tombstones from the Jewish old cemetery are embedded in the monument, symbolizing 500 years of Jewish life in Hrubieszow. Let them be of blessed memory!