The Health Roundtable 4-4c_HRT1215-Session_CLARK_PCHosp_QLD TPCH: Using Data to Improve Performance – The Clinical Dashboard Presenter: Kevin Clark The Prince Charles Hospital Innovation Poster Session HRT1215 – Innovation Awards Sydney 11 th and 12 th Oct
The Health Roundtable KEY PROBLEM Given the vast array of technical data that is continuously generated in healthcare, The Prince Charles Hospital has developed an integrated system where all relevant data is displayed into a singular display or "dashboard" that improves staff efficiency, accelerates decisions, streamlines workflow processes, and reduces oversights and errors in operational practice. 2
The Health Roundtable AIM OF THIS INNOVATION Help to drive process Provide timely, meaningful information presented in easy to understand format with high visual impact. A tool to inform daily decisions that improve quality patient care. Utilising multiple sources of existing data – “Data rich, and information poor”. Providing clinical information for the multidisciplinary team Displaying information in ‘real time’. Ensures “the right patient, in the right place at the right time”. 3
The Health Roundtable Our i mpetus to improve Improving the correlation with the ‘signal to noise’ ratio around NEAT 2011/12 financial year 4
The Health Roundtable BASELINE DATA Clinicians agree that the clinical dashboard: metrics help monitor the key quality and productivity drivers of our service, enables the use of information that was not previously available, make it easier to see where change should be focused to help solve local issues around the NEAT. Following admissionPrior to discharge 1.Each patient to be reviewed by a consultant by 24 hours of admission 4.Detailed discharge parameters documented and communicated to team 48 hours prior to discharge 2.EDD to be recorded by 24 hours of admission 5.Discharge plan communicated to patient 48 hours prior to discharge 3.Documented management plan completed and communicated to patient by 24 hours of admission 6.Pharmacy script written 24 hours prior to discharge 5
The Health Roundtable KEY CHANGES IMPLEMENTED The reporting has allowed; greater insight into addressing local and program wide quality indicators forecasting trends for the future such as admission and discharge times against days of the week. Equally the lines of communication between the frontline clinical staff and senior leaders has increased which has complemented high-level decision-making processes. Existing data is converted to high-value information presented without delay. 6
The Health Roundtable Touch screen so can drill down into patient names, Medical consultant and location for further information 7
The Health Roundtable OUTCOMES SO FAR Benefits realized to date: Visually easy to access information that leads to effective/efficient/better decision making Less paper based reports Raised awareness ward performance and activity data Reduce the time taken to create and sign off discharge summaries Identification of potential areas where clinical process can be improved Improved source data accuracy through quick fixes that are identified (e.g. coding errors/anomalies) Increased information available to improve service quality and outcomes Improved visibility of readmission rates Speedier turnaround of GP letters and discharge plans, Improved quality of interaction with patient as information available at point of contact Improved awareness of service model essential for patient flow Better informed patients. 8
The Health Roundtable LESSONS LEARNT Smoothing patient flow between departments and wards, Will ensure each patient is receiving the appropriate treatment at the appropriate time and in the appropriate clinical area. The next versions will incorporate predictive modeling and risk stratification within dashboards to give broader information to clinicians. Can be structured to present data at multiple levels, from the unit, department, service, organisation or system level. 9
The Health Roundtable RECOMMENDATIONS With well motivated local clinical leadership, A Clinical Dashboard can help staff to; View the current situation Deliver significant improvements in the quality of patient care. Improve the efficiency of their services. See video for clinician experience VIDEO 10