Student Council Selin Acar – President Kevin Puetz – Vice President of External Affairs
New President is Ryan Beck Away at co-op right now, but he will be attending these meetings next year.
Construction The student organization offices have all moved, and we are beginning the final stage of construction. All that’s left is painting the outside of the offices.
Computers in Havener They are in now! They are the Thin Client Pilot Computers There is also a printer Because of large student usage, the pilot program was extended, with a strong probability for permanent computers.
RSO Survey/Networking Networking activity was a success! Will try to have one more before the end of the semester.
Student Leaders’ Banquet Will be April 11 th Nomination for awards are now open! Awards are for: organizations, students, faculty, and staff. If you know anyone, please nominate them! Registration for banquet is also open! All forms are on the Student Council website on the left hand side.
Campus Climate Assessment Working very hard to get good student involvement in survey. Survey results are essential for the campus.
Others New Student Interest Survey going out next week! Joe Mooney Distinguished Student Award Nominations are currently available through the Miner Alumni Association. Scholarship that we helped them bring back. Nominate any and all deserving students! Working really hard to find a better way for RSO Recognition. There are about 17 organizations mid process, and it’s become a very slow process. Rewording, restructuring, and editing our constitution.
Student Interest Survey Data Fall 2011
Demographic Information
Career Fair
Career Fair - Attendance
Dead Week and Finals Week
Student Honor Code
Satisfaction With How Student Activity Fees are Allocated
St. Pat’s Activities Broken Down - Semester
St. Pat’s Activities Broken Down – Living Area
Student Union Board