Advisors: Mrs. White 8 th Grade ELA Teacher Mrs. Dantzler Related Arts Teacher
A club where students are elected by peers Student council officers demonstrating STEM student qualities; ◦ Thinkers ◦ Inquirers ◦ Communicators ◦ Innovators ◦ Balanced ◦ Compassionate ◦ Knowledgeable ◦ Trustworthy ◦ Confident ◦ Determined
Student council members use the areas of interaction as a basis for their projects and fund raisers throughout the school year. ◦ Community and Service ◦ Environments ◦ Human Ingenuity ◦ Health & Social Education ◦ Approaches to Learning
Leadership Communication Community Awareness Global Awareness
Red Cross Blood Drive Pennies for Patients Food Drive Spring Dance STMS Dog Tags Recycling
Valentine’s Dance Spirit Week Face Painting Pride Rally
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
President ◦ Attends regularly scheduled meetings ◦ Call all meetings to order ◦ Follow the agenda set for the meeting ◦ Report on the morning-news for any upcoming events ◦ Work concessions for various events ◦ Must participate and be visible at school functions ◦ Oversee student council projects (committees) ◦ BE POSITIVE & FREE OF DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS Vice President ◦ Attends regularly scheduled meetings ◦ Work closely with the President ◦ Call all meetings to order ◦ Follow the agenda set for the meeting ◦ Report on the morning-news for any upcoming events ◦ Work concessions for various events ◦ Must participate and be visible at school functions ◦ BE POSITIVE & FREE OF DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS
Secretary ◦ Attends regularly scheduled meetings ◦ Work closely with the President & VP ◦ Record the minutes of each meeting ◦ Assist the treasurer with poster designs or any advertisements ◦ Participates (at times) with morning news for any upcoming events ◦ Must participate and be visible at school functions ◦ Work Concessions for various events ◦ BE POSITIVE & FREE OF DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS Treasurer ◦ Lead poster making for fundraisers and projects ◦ Form committees to help with fundraisers and projects ◦ Work Concessions for various events ◦ Must participate and be visible at school functions ◦ Participate (at times) with morning news for any upcoming events ◦ BE POSITIVE & FREE OF DISCIPLINE PROBLEMS
“Our Student Council is a vital part of our school. They are leaders and role models among their peers. This experience will be a valuable part of their education for many years to come.” -Mrs. Campbell, Principal
Speeches Due Wednesday, September 18 th ◦ to: ◦ Once given approval, you will need to video tape your speech on your device and it to me by Saturday, September 21 st News: September Elections: Friday, September 27 th HB Elections: September 30 & Oct. 1 1 st Meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 3 at 8am in the Media Center Lab Note: All dates are subject to change.
You must have attended the initial workshop Speeches are due to Mrs. White by Wednesday, September 18, 2013 via at (Please include your contact information) Please feel free to contact Mrs. White if you have any questions or concerns, as well as turn in speeches early. If you do not have access to a computer to submit your speech… ◦ 8 th graders may come to Mrs. White’s class during lunch (A102) ◦ 7 th graders may come Mrs. Dantzler’s class (Media Center lab) during lunch
Things you may want to include in your essay: 1. Why are you running for student council? 2. Why are you the right person for the position? Include qualifications, strengths, and specific examples. 3. How can you positively contribute to a group of leaders? 4. Being a Student Council officer is a lot of work. How do you plan to manage your time with your other academic and extra- curricular responsibilities? 5. What do you believe can be done to improve the school and how do you plan to accomplish these tasks? 6. What kind of innovative ideas will you bring to the table? What kind of initiative will you take to implement these ideas?