L EARNING, T EACHING & A SSESSMENT S TRATEGY –Teaching excellence informed by world-class research –Varied assessment and delivery to enable student learning and achievement –Enabling the development of students as independent, autonomous learners –Continual focus on student employability and graduate skills –Enhancing Learning through Technology (ELT) –Culturally aware, international and relevant curricula –Commitment to inclusivity and diversity –Embedding education for sustainable development in the curriculum
O UR AIM THEREFORE, IS to contribute to the delivery of the DMU learning, teaching and assessment strategy through developing students as leaders for a global environment
WP 1: B ASELINE & E VALUATION ( OF FORMAL AND INFORMAL CURRICULUM ) Phase 1: Initial Baseline –Identifying areas of best practice (in both –in and extra curricular activities) – e.g square mile. –Agree definitions –Baseline of DMU activity (to highlight good practice? Marketing?) –Curriculum audit tool – what are the current QAA curriculum mapping and reporting tools Phase 2: Deeper 5 Capitals analysis –Testing with staff and student focus group –Produce report –Define business case – profiles, industry links (already in our LTAS ) And ongoing... (through formal and est. academic reporting processes)
WP 2: OPEN SOURCE CONTENT A non-credit open source informal- curriculum module. Delivered open source using ‘DEMOC” E.g “Leadership in a global environment/context”
WP 3: E MBEDDED CONTENT : Identify shared modules across curricula that can be streamed around these themes, e.g Research Methods, leadership skills etc 15 credit module share in Tech (engineering) Assignments/topics/research methods
WP 4: F ORMAL AWARD Developing a ‘Certificate in Leadership for a Global Environment’ (UPCD) which combines: –Open source module –Volunteering in mile2 –Volunteer as environmental champions at DMU
W ORK P ACKAGE 5: C HANGE M ANAGEMENT & ENGAGEMENT (1) Student engagement (in partnership with DSU): –Student frontrunner – continuity issues with students –Student engagement – ‘blackout, waste wars, –Student Council engagement (Oct/Nov 2013) –Student volunteering eering/opportunities/environment/ eering/opportunities/environment/ –Sports and committee society training
W ORK P ACKAGE 5: C HANGE M ANAGEMENT & ENGAGEMENT (2) Staff Engagement: –World café – staff and student engagement –Staff network – academic leads in each school/faculty (regular ESD forum) –Lecture series –Staff professional development/case studies –Employability (work with head of employability) –Marketing and communications