Michigan Minor League Maps A Geographic History of Michigan’s Minor Leagues and Minor League Teams January 30, 2010 Ken Cherven, SABR Detroit Chapter
Overview ► Michigan has a long history of minor leagues, with teams covering much of the state at some point over the last 130 years ► Many of the leagues (and teams) were short-lived, often surviving just one or two seasons ► Several of the leagues have crossed state and even national borders, and included teams from Ontario, Ohio, and Indiana, among others ► For the most part, the leagues have been at the low minors level – primarily Class D teams in the first part of the 20 th century, a tradition that continues with both Class A and Independent teams in the early years of the 21st century
Where Was Minor League Ball Played? Activity Maps by Decade
The 1880s-1890s
The 1900s
The 1910s
The 1920s
The 1930s-1950s
The 1960s-1980s
The 1990s-2000s
League Footprints Maps of Michigan-based Teams by League in Chronological Order
Independents ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario
Upper Peninsula League ( , 1895 Independent and No Classification) ► Several teams in close geographic proximity competed in the Upper Peninsula League prior to the end of the 19 th Century Ishpeming Negaunee Hancock Calumet Red Jackets Houghton
Northwestern League (1891 No Classification) ► The Northwestern League had three Michigan teams for a single season in 1891 Bay City Grand Rapids Shamrocks Detroit Wolverines
Wisconsin-Michigan League (1892 No Classification) ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario Ishpeming/Negaunee Unions
Michigan State League ( ) ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario
Western League ( , 1901 Class A) ► The Western League showcased teams in Michigan’s two largest markets for several seasons at the turn of the 20 th Century Grand Rapids Gold Bugs/Rippers/Bob O Links Detroit Tigers
Interstate League (1896, Class C/B) ► Saginaw and Jackson fielded teams in 1896, followed by Grand Rapids in in the short- lived Interstate League Saginaw Lumbermen Jackson Wolverines Grand Rapids Cabinetmakers/ Furnituremakers
International League ( No Classification) ► Another short-lived league at the close of the 19 th Century, the International League fielded three Michigan teams in 1898, with Port Huron playing on through 1899 Port Huron Tigers Saginaw Braves Bay City Sugar Citys
Western Association (1901 Class A) ► Grand Rapids provided the only Michigan location in the Western Association for 1901 Grand Rapids Furnituremakers
Michigan State League (1902) ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario
Central League ( ) Grand Rapids Orphans et al Muskegon Reds/Daniels/Muskies ► The Central League’s initial Michigan presence was in Grand Rapids in 1903, with Muskegon added in 1916
Copper Country Soo League (1905, Class D) ► The Copper Country Soo League lasted for a single season in the early 20 th Century, one of several leagues to play in Michigan’s upper peninsula Calumet Aristocrats Lake Linden Lakers Hancock Infants Sault Ste. Marie Soos
Northern-Copper Country League ( Class C/D) ► This league came on the heels of the 1905 Copper Country Soo League, with several of the same towns fielding teams Calumet Aristocrats Lake Linden Sandy Cities Hancock Infants Houghton Giants
Interstate Association (1906 Class C) ► The Interstate Association fielded three Michigan teams for the 1906 season, all within close proximity to one another Saginaw Bay City Flint Vehicles
Southern Michigan League ( Class D) ► The Southern Michigan League was one of the most enduring (and widespread) minor league organizations in Michigan, lasting for 10 seasons Mt. Clemens Bathers Bay City Billikens et al Flint Vehicles Tecumseh Adrian Yeggs/Lions et al Saginaw Wa-was et al Jackson Convicts Lansing Senators Battle Creek Crickets Kalamazoo White Sox et al
West Michigan League (1910 Class D) ► The only Michigan team on record to play in Cadillac joined one of the many Muskegon teams for the 1910 season in the West Michigan League Muskegon Speed Boys Cadillac Chiefs
Indiana-Michigan League ( Class D) ► The Indiana-Michigan League made a brief appearance in the southwest corner of the state for two seasons Niles Blues Berrien Springs Grays Dowagiac
Michigan State League ( ) ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario
Border League ( , Class D) ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario Port Huron Independents Ypsilanti Mt. Clemens Bathers Wyandotte Pontiac Indians
Michigan-Ontario League ( Class B) ► The Class B Michigan- Ontario League was one of the longer tenured leagues of the early 20 th Century in Michigan, with a shifting mix of locations Port Huron Saints Battle Creek Custers Kalamazoo Celery Pickers/ Kazoos Grand Rapids Billbobs/ Homowners Muskegon Anglers Saginaw Aces Bay City Wolves Flint Halligans/ Vehicles
Central League ( ) Grand Rapids Joshers/Billbobs Lansing Senators Kalamazoo Celery Pickers Ludington Mariners Muskegon Reds/Daniels/Muskies Jackson/ Ionia Mayors ► The 2 nd iteration of the Central League added teams in Kalamazoo, Lansing, Jackson/Ionia, and Ludington
Michigan State League (1926) ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario
Central League (1934 Class B) ► Grand Rapids and Muskegon represented the state in the third iteration of the Central League in Michigan Grand Rapids Tigers Muskegon Reds
Michigan State League ( ) ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario
Central League ( , Class A) ► The Central League’s final incarnation involved four Michigan cities, covering a four-year span in the middle of the 20 th Century Grand Rapids Jets Flint Arrows Saginaw Bears/Jacks Muskegon Clippers/Reds
Frontier League (Independent) ► The Border League was a short-lived Class D league with teams in southeast Michigan and Ontario
Midwest League ( , Class A) ► The Midwest League brought minor league baseball back to Michigan after an extended absence Great Lakes Loons Lansing Lugnuts West Michigan Whitecaps Michigan Battlecats Battle Creek Yankees SW Michigan Devil Rays
Viewing the Leagues Using Google Earth ► We can use Google Earth to view any and all of the Michigan minor league team locations ► Teams can be further identified using unique colors and symbols based on league affiliation and level ► Additional information can be added to the team locations information – actual park location, ballpark names, ownership information, etc. ► Using season ranges allows us to create a video depiction of the changes over time for one or more of the leagues, providing an interactive timeline of minor league history within Michigan: Michigan Minors Map Michigan Minors MapMichigan Minors Map