The Run Down Presented by only the best Ms. Woods & Ms. Duck
All Student Council members are required to attend the dance. Consequences will be harsh and you will miss out on trips! Tickets are $4 at all lunches Team 1 (6-1, 7-1, 8-1) Set up crew- An announcement will be made to have you come to the gym and help set up on Friday Team 2 (6-2, 7-2, 8-2) Clean-up Crew- Should take no longer than 15 minutes to get everything cleaned up. Have your parents there at 5:45 to get you Howdy Dance
Remember to bring your contribution 6 th grade – Dr. Pepper (12 pack) 7 th grade- Sprite (12 pack) 8 th grade- Coca-Cola (12 pack) Drop them off in Ms. Duck’s room You are NOT working the dance you are there to have fun so invite your friends! Howdy Dance
We need volunteers to help run the snack shack for the volleyball game on October 16 th. This is a commitment for both you are your parents or guardian. Have your parent/ guardian Ms. Duck Race for the Cure Denton- It’s on September 27 th You need to sign up from the StuCo webpage and will work from 5am-12pm so you will earn 7 hours of community service! Volunteer Opportunities
You need to follow the directions in the welcome packet which is on the website to order your t-shirt You will need this for volunteering, retreats, and events T- SHIRTS
At Navo Middle school on October 18 th 2014 From 8:30am-1pm We will be handing out permission slips to those that are interested as well as a flyer The cost is $15 Your parents need to take and pick you up Get a t-shirt and lunch as well as some fun new ideas to bring back to us Fall Retreat
Start thinking about this event and if you want to attend In San Marcos November We will be taking a charter bus and staying in a hotel Spots are limited Middle Level students and advisors enjoy motivational general sessions, concurrent sessions, and discussion groups presented by outstanding high school and middle level student councils from around the state as well as TASC Leadership Consultants. Students also enjoy a dance and an exhibit area. State Conference
You will receive these for not attending required events Misbehaving receiving excessive detentions Office referrals These will keep you from attending field trips and retreats. If you exceed 8 you will be removed from student council Demerits
Ultimately school comes first and you are a leader at this school. Ms. Woods & Ms. Duck expect a lot out of you as the leaders on campus Go out there and make us proud! Demerits
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!! You all have done amazing and I love everything we created. What a great way to start the year! Decorations Committee
SECRET PALS We have a meeting MONDAY in Advisory Fatima Davila Madison Gardner Taylor Johnson Valery Rivero Annie Rose Jenna Rover Kai Everett Jack Massey Ania Mangwiro Hailey Peterson Taylor Posey Taylor Hunter Kate Rogers Katelan Scott Pete Hays Jaiden Alexander
CROWNOVER Student Council! Student Council Members: Join the Edmodo group to stay up to date! Group Code: aemnhz