The Milwaukee Water Works’ Linnwood Treatment Plant Yuniria Cervantes Laura Horch Education 140
Lake Michigan
Linwood Treatment Plant Built in 1939 Location: 3000 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53211 Contact: Lon Coullard (414) 286-2226
Driving Question Have you ever wondered how the water you drink becomes purified? We will be touring the Milwaukee Linnwood Treatment plant and find out the process of water purification. Objectives: To learn a little history of the Milwaukee water treatment plants. To understand the process of water purification. To learn the machines and their roles in water purification.
Driving Question (cont.) Outcomes: To have learned the history of the Milwaukee water treatment plants. To have understood the steps involved in water purification. To have learned and understood how the machines work together and in water purification.
Application/Illustration of Terms Terms to know: Purification: the process of removing contaminants from surface water or groundwater to make it safe and drinkable for human consumption. Ozone Disinfection Coagulation Settling Filtration Chlorine Disinfection Fluoridation Clearwell Corrosion Control Chloramine Protection The terms are important because they deal with the purification of our drinking water.
Field Trip Information The tours of the water treatment plant are free. A group of 40 students would not cost anything and would need 4 chaperones. The mode of transportation would be by bus. If close enough to facility can walk. The treatment plant is good for students in 4th grade to high school.
Field Trip Permission Sheet Where: The Milwaukee Water Works’ Linnwood Treatment Plant When: ______________________________________________ Transportation: School bus______________________________ Cost: Bus fee_________________________________________ Make checks payable to: ________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please return permission slip by __________________________ I give my child, ______________, permission to attend the field trip to ______________ on ___________ from ___________ to ____________. I enclose _________ to cover the cost of the trip. In case of an emergency, please contact _____________ at _________________. _________________ _____________ Parent’s Signature Date
Presentation/Analysis/Conclusion We would have the students utilize the field trip experience to later work in groups to create a water purification poster and have them create a filtration system using cups, sand and different size gravel. They will present this to the class when they are finished. The poster will need to diagram the water purification process, include a brief history of water purification in Milwaukee, and anything else they have learned from the field trip. For their filtration experiment they need to show to class that their filtration cups work by pouring dirty water into the filtration cup that contains the sand and gravel and show how purified the water gets. The field trip to the water treatment facility is important so that students are able to understand how the water that they use in their everyday life become safe for them to drink. If the students are able to understand the filtration process that is used in the Milwaukee Water Works Drinking Treatment Plant and are able to apply that knowledge into their poster and are able to explain the process as it applies to their filtration cups which one of the steps of the treatment process.
General Checklist Understand and are able to apply the terms in the water treatment process to their poster and their presentation. Students are able to apply the filtration step in the water treatment process into their filtration cups. Students are able to incorporate a general history of the facility in their poster. Students are able to incorporate experience and examples of the field trip to the Milwaukee Water Works Treatment facility.
Literature Needed Websites Literature Video Literature Pamphlets Given by Milwaukee Water Works The North Point Water Tower (history of the facility) Water Quality Report (purification process, water testing, cryptosporidium information, monitoring drinking water for led and copper and source of Milwaukee drinking water) Video The Milwaukee Water Works facility offers a animated video of the purification process.
Cross Curricular Connection You can use the field trip experience by including a history lesson that discusses the history of the Milwaukee Water Treatment Facility.
Misconception Us Students Did not realize how clear Lake Michigan is. Since the water looks clean and clear students might believe that the water is already safe to drink.
Ozone Generator