MENU SEPT.7 TH, 2012 Pizza Taco Max or Fish Cheese, Bun, Black beans Corn, Tomatoes Mixed Fruit
MENU SEPT. 10 TH, 2012 Turkey/Cheese Wrap Cole Slaw Broccoli Mixed Fruit
FREE BREAKFAST!! **There will be a drawing for homerooms who have turned in the emergency medical forms**
SPORTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Varsity Football Passes on Sale in the Office will be sold during lunch periods starting $10
STUDENT COUNCIL There will be a meeting today after school in Mrs. Starrett’s room T-2 for about an hour. Freshmen are required to attend.
SPORTING EVENTS Friday, September 7 7:30- FB (A) West M
SPORTING EVENTS CONT. Saturday, September 8 10:00- JV FB (H) Coshocton 11:00- VB (A) River View 1:30- G Golf- Bexley Woods 2:30- CC (A) Watkins Inv 5:30- B soccer (A) Lancaster
NEW FRESHMAN STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS!!! Remington Beardsley Bay Bryan Lincoln Lumbatis Daniel Nahra Kinsey Roberts
CYF The Muskingum County Youth Foundation applications are in the Guidance Office don’t forget to pick yours up. Deadline is September 21st
FRESHMEN Any one who was in the Leo Club last year can stop by the office for info. regarding 2012 Farm-city Day Vol. info or contact Chief Garver
PROM COMMITTEE AND YEARBOOK Not too late to sign up! Yearbook class may be taken as a full or semester class for the appropriate credit Please see Mr. Blair in T-18 to sign up
SPIRIT SLEEVES Sleeves on sale in Mrs. Brennen’s room, D-6 Only $10
CAMP OHIO COUNSELOR APPLICATIONS If you want to be a camp counselor applications are available in office
FCCLA Meeting September 12 th in B-3 afterschool. Election of officers will take place if interested in becoming a leder see Mrs. Martin by Monday. Membership is based on enrollment in Mrs. Martin’s Classes. Plan now to ignite your leadership!!
ATTENTION FRESHMAN There will be a meeting for all college bound freshman and their parents on Monday, September 17 th at 6:00 in the café, please plan on attending!
ATTENTION 10 TH AND 11 TH GRADERS The PSAT will be on Wednesday, October 17 th. This test qualifies you for the national merit scholarship and is also a great practice for the SAT. Please sign up in guidance if interested. The cost is $14 and the deadline to register is Thursday, September 27 th.
SENIORS Anyone interested in working on senior slide show needs to see Mr. Blair before the end of the today. **Senior pictures are due to Mr.Blair no later than March 8th
ZANESVILLE COMMUNITY NIGHT Columbus Crew vs. Philadelphia Union Saturday September 7:30pm See Mrs.Brennen for details
SPORTING RESULTS! Girls golf team posted a win over Ridgewood. Girls Tennis Beat Claymont 4-1 on Wednesday. Winners for TV were Sarah Holdren, Megan Dilts, Sierra McClellan, Kaitlin Springer, Megan Penrose and Kristen Dempsy, They are now 3-4 on the season
POPCORN AND SALTY DAWGS!! Ms. Butler and Mr. Neal’s class will be selling popcorn and salty dawgs today during lunches!!
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY NHS students need to vote for officers either after school TODAY in B-10 (MS. Maddox’s room) or before 1 St Period tomorrow!!
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY There will be a short meeting Tuesday, September 11 th in room B- 2:30. Members MUST attend!
LIBRARY No food or drink except water is allowed in the library. Warnings will no longer be issued. If a student is caught with food or drink in the library, he or she will immediately be sent back to study hall.