00 Cooler CSB Observation of dd  απ 0 CSB–VII Trento, Italy June 13-17, 2005 Ed Stephenson Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Review of the experiment.


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Presentation transcript:

00 Cooler CSB Observation of dd  απ 0 CSB–VII Trento, Italy June 13-17, 2005 Ed Stephenson Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Review of the experiment

Getting d + d → 4 He + π 0 right Ed Stephenson Indiana University Cyclotron Facility Bloomington, IN Workshop on Charge Symmetry Breaking Trento June 13-17, 2005 Before you start, remember the history… suggested by Lapidus [JETP 4, 740 (’57)] review by Banaigs [PRL 58, 1922 (’87)] upper limit at 0.8 GeV positive claim by Goldzahl [NP A 533, 675 (’91)] double radiative capture by Dobrokhotov [PRL 83, 5246 (’99)} Be prepared for… very low cross sections ( ~ pb) interference from double radiative capture

PLAN Search just above threshold (225.5 MeV) (No other π channel open for d+d.) Capture forward-going 4 He. Pb-glass arrays for π 0  γγ. Efficiency on two sides ~ 1/3. Insensitive to other products (γ beam = 0.51) 6  bend in Cooler straight section Target upstream, surrounded by Pb-glass Magnetic channel to catch 4 He (~100 MeV) Reconstruct kinematics from channel time of flight and position. (Pb-glass energy and angle too uncertain for π 0 reconstruction. αγγ looks the same.) Target density = 3.1 x Stored current = 1.4 mA Luminosity = 2.7 x /cm 2 /s Expected rate ~ 5 /day … thanks to Andy Bacher, Mark Pickar, and Georg Berg Crucial features: Pb-glass has low backgroud Windowless target Channel with good TOF

Target D 2 jet Pb-glass array 256 detectors from IUCF and ANL (Spinka) + scintillators for cosmic trigger or MeV deuteron beam Separation Magnet removes 4 He at 12.5  from beam at 6  20  Septum Magnet Focussing Quads MWPCs Scintillator  E-1 Scintillators  E-2 E Veto-1 Veto-2 MWPC COOLER-CSB MAGNETIC CHANNEL and Pb-GLASS ARRAYS separate all 4 He for total cross section measurement determine 4 He 4-momentum (using TOF and position) detect one or both decay  ’s from  0 in Pb-glass array Actual Pb-glass arrangement

SEPARATION OF  0 AND  EVENTS MWPC 1 X-position (cm) Y-position (cm) Time of Flight (ΔE 1 - ΔE 2 ) (ns) needed TOF resolution  GAUSS = 100 ps MWPC spacing = 2 mm Calculate missing mass from the four- momentum measured in the magnetic channel alone, using TOF for z-axis momentum and MWPC X and Y for transverse momentum. [Monte Carlo simulation for illustration. Experimental errors included.]  0 peak  TOT = 10 pb  background (16 pb)  prediction from Gårdestig Difference is due to acceptance of channel. Acceptance widths are: angle = 70 mr (H and V) momentum = 10% missing mass (MeV) Cutoff controlled by available energy above threshold.. Major physics background is from double radiative capture.

COMMISSIONING THE SYSTEM using p+d  3 He+π 0 at MeV 3 He events readily identified by channel scintillators. Recoil cone on first MWPC Channel time of flight Construction of missing mass from TOF and position on MWPC. FWHM = 240 keV Pb-glass energy sums nearest neighbors. Response matched to GEANT model. Efficiency (~ 1/3) known to 3%. data Monte- Carlo NOTE: Main losses in channel from random veto, multiple scattering, and MWPC multiple hits. It is important to identify loss mechanisms.

IDENTIFICATION OF 4 He IN THE CHANNEL  E2 E  E1-C  E2 [online spectra for 5-hour run] We absolutely need coincidence with the Pb-glass (decay  ) to extract any signal at all. Proton rate from breakup ~ 10 5 /s. Handle this with: veto longer range protons set timing to miss most protons reduce MWPC voltage to keep Z=1 tracks below threshold divide ΔE-1 into four quadrants Set windows around 4 He group. Rate still 10 3 too high. The 4 He flux, most likely from (d,α) reactions, is smooth in momentum and angle. It represents the part of phase space sampled by the channel.

SINGLE AND DOUBLE GAMMA SIGNALS data for all of July run corrected  time  cluster energy A single  may be difficult to extract. But select on the similar locus on the other side of the beam, and the signal becomes clean. Beam left-side array Many  ’s come from beam halo hitting downstream septum. List of requirements: > correct PID position in channel scintillator energy > correct range of TOF values > correct Pb-glass cluster energies and corrected times We will require two  ’s. keep above here

RF frequency (MHz) Cooler circumference (m) average circumference = ± m 3 He cone opening angle (deg) OTHER ITEMS Stuff you have to get right! Energy of Cooler beam known from ring circumference and RF frequency (~ 16 keV) Calculation of He momentum depends on good model of energy loss in channel. This is also needed to set channel magnets. Calculation of time of flight required knowing the time offsets for each scintillator PMT and tracking changes through the experiment. Final adjustments were made in replay. Run plan: started in June at MeV to keep cone in channel during 1-week break decided to raise energy to MeV demonstrate that peak stayed at pion mass provide two cross sections to check energy dependence (Limits were luminosity, rate handling, available time.)

Time Stability Problem For good resolution, we need FWHM ~ 0.2 ns. PMT signal transit time drifts and occasionally jumps as the tube ages, responding to heat. Timing is affected when people change PMT voltage or swap other equipment. This is also connected to missing mass reconstruction errors arising from 6° magnet dispersion, pulse height, and position effects. A narrow peak helps  0 separation statistically.  E1  E2 A B C D There are 6 PMTs used for TOF. Mean-timing the ones for  E2 leaves 4 free time parameters.

To make run-by-run corrections to TOF, we need a marker. We use deuterons that stop and the back of the E scintillator. Choose EnergyChoose Trajectory deuteron gate p d  E2 E XY-1 XY-2 XY-3 Resulting TOF peaks  E1 scintillator: A B C D

Results for June run: 1 ns

beam 44° 25° deuteron telescope (present only for calibration) tapered/displaced scintillator pair for added position info. Calibrating the luminosity of the IUCF Cooler PLAN: Monitor with d+d elastic. Measure ratio of d+d cross section to d+p (known) with molecular HD target. Reference d+p cross sections: thesis of Karsten Ermisch, KVI, Groningen (‘03). dot = 108 MeV circle = 120 MeV X = 135 MeV line = adopted cross section at 116 MeV NOTE: Target distribution monitored using position sensitive silicon detector looking at recoil deuterons from small-angle scattering. Detector acceptance determined using Monte-Carlo simulations. dσ/dΩ (mb/sr) θ c.m.

Recent measurements by the Japanese confirm their old cross section values at 135 MeV and disagree with the data from the KVI. KVI data Japanese data original d-beam data from RIKEN remeasurements from RIKEN and RCNP. An independent measurement is needed !

beam target position-sensitive silicon detector ½-inch copper absorbers delta- E E silicon position E energy Forward scintillator – silicon system distinguish H from D by pulse height in silicon H D Issues include reaction losses and multiple scattering. Position becomes template for target distribution.

beam Detail on second luminosity monitoring system oppositely tapered scintillators for X-position two halves displaced vertically to check vertical centering results not satisfactory, relied on transit alignment

protons deuterons position span Scintillator spectra: (44 ° – 44 ° coincidence) 44 ° scintillator, back vs. front pulse height (zero suppressed to remove no-hits) F – B F + B x = angle beam z-position anglebeam z-position cut left right x L by x R gated on deuterons

average η = p π /m π σ TOT /η RESULTS MeV 50 events σ TOT = 15.1 ± 3.1 pb MeV 66 events σ TOT = 12.7 ± 2.2 pb missing mass (MeV) Events in these spectra must satisfy: correct pulse height in channel scintillators usable wire chamber signals good Pb-glass pulse height and timing Background shape based on calculated double radiative capture, corrected by empirical channel acceptance using 4 He. Cross sections are consistent with S-wave pion production. Spectra are essentially free of random background. Systematic errors are 6.6% in normalization. Peaks give the correct π 0 mass with 60 keV error.

XY-1 position T = MeV,  max = 1.20°T = MeV,  max = 1.75° EXISTENCE? For the candidate events, check to see whether there is any cone.

XY-1 position T = MeV,  max = 1.20°T = MeV,  max = 1.75° EXISTENCE? For the candidate events, check to see whether there is any cone. Circles with these centers also minimize the missing mass width.

missing mass (MeV  100) raw TOF 135 MeV IS IT CORRECT? The missing mass should be independent of the TOF. In fact, the time adjustments are made separately for each segment of  E1. AB CD T = MeVT = MeV

V. Anferov, G.P.A. Berg, and C.C. Foster, Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, Bloomington, IN B. Chujko, A. Kuznetsov, V. Medvedev, D. Patalahka, A. Prudkoglyad, and P.A. Semenov, Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Moscow Region, Russia S. Shastry, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, NY spokesperson for CE-82 and letter of intent post-doc technical manager student Experimental (active): C. Allgower, A.D. Bacher, C. Lavelle, H. Nann, J. Olmsted, T. Rinckel, and E.J. Stephenson, Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, Bloomington, IN M.A. Pickar, Minnesota State University at Mankato, Mankato, MN P.V. Pancella, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI A. Smith, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI H.M. Spinka, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL J. Rapaport, Ohio University, Athens, OH Technical support: J. Doskow, G. East, W. Fox, D. Friesel, R.E. Pollock, T. Sloan, and K. Solberg, Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, Bloomington, IN Experiment (historical): Underline did June/July shift work Theoretical: Antonio Fonseca, Lisbon Anders Gardestig, Indiana Christoph Hanhart, Juelich Chuck Horowitz, Indiana Jerry Miller, Washington Fred Myhrer, South Carolina Jouni Niskanen, Helsinki Andreas Nogga, Arizona Bira van Kolck, Arizona