The J-PARC Facility and Ideas for TMD Measurements ECT* Workshop June 15, 2007 Yuji Goto (RIKEN/RBRC)
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop2 J-PARC at Tokai Tsukuba Tokai 1 hour 295 km JAEA
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop3 J-PARC facility Nuclear Transmutation J-PARC = Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex 3 GeV Synchrotron (25 Hz, 1MW) Hadron Beam Facility Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility Neutrino to Kamiokande 50 GeV Synchrotron (0.75 MW) 500 m Linac (330m) Joint Project between KEK and JAEA
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop4 J-PARC facility –The budget for about 2/3 of the entire project has been approved by the Japanese government from JFY2001 as phase 1 –Phase 1 consists of major accelerator components and a part of experimental facilities
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop5 J-PARC parameters 50 GeV beam –repetition 3.4 ~ 5 (or 6) sec –flat top width 0.7 ~ 2 (or 3) sec –linac energy 400 MeV –3.3 ppp, 15 A –beam power 750 kW 30 GeV beam (phase-1) –linac energy 180 MeV –2 ppp, 9 A –beam power 270 kW
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop6 J-PARC schedule June, 2007: Completion of civil construction of the Hadron Hall December, 2007: Start of dry run of the main-ring synchrotron May, 2008: Start of beam commissioning of the main-ring synchrotron December 2008: Acceleration to 30 GeV and the first beam to the Hadron Hall first beam for the nuclear -particle experiments in JFY2008 first beam for the neutrino experiments in JFY2009
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop7 MLS F RCS LIN AC 50GeV-PS Hd Bird’s eye photo in Nov. 2006
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop8 Hadron experimental hall (phase 1) Beam Dump A-Line Experimental Area Test Beam (on the guide rail for Phase 2) beamlines for secondary beam experiments at the beginning of the phase1 area for primary beam experiments
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop9 Dimuon experiment at J-PARC Proposal and collaborators
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop10
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop11 Dimuon experiment at J-PARC Drell-Yan –the simplest process in hadron-hadron reactions no final-state effect no polarized Drell-Yan experiment done yet –rich programs unpolarized and polarized program flavor asymmetry of the sea-quark distribution orbital angular momentum in the nucleon transversity, etc. DISDrell-Yan
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop12 Dimuon experiment Fermilab E866 experiment –flavor asymmetry of the seq quark distribution
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop13 Dimuon experiment Fermilab E906 experiment –similar experiment of E866 at lower energy 120 GeV with Tevatron main injector to cover higher-x region –construction 2007 – 2008 (or 2009) – not yet started –beam time 2009 – 2010 (or 2010 – 2011) apparatus –partially to be used at J-PARC
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop14 Dimuon experiment at J-PARC Possible layout of the hadron hall
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop15 Dimuon experiment at J-PARC Unpolarized program –proton beam on proton and deuterium target
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop16 Spin physics at J-PARC Polarized Drell-Yan –A LL measurement flavor asymmetry of sea-quark polarization chiral quark soliton model prediction 120-day run 75% polarization for a 5 protons/spill polarized solid NH3 target, 75% hydrogen polarization and 0.15 dilution factor GS-C GS-A GRSV
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop17 Spin physics at J-PARC G will be made clear by RHIC and pol-DIS experiments soon… Orbital angular momentum in the nucleon –in hadron-hadron reaction, no direct connection between measurement and theory (yet) –but, any partonic transverse motion and correlation should be related Sivers effect higher-twist effect –A LL measurement may also sensitive at high-x F … Feng Yuan’s calculation with L z = 1 component… [Harut Avakian, Feng Yuan, et al. arXiv: ]
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop18 Polarized Drell-Yan A N measurement –Ji, Qiu, Vogelsang, and Yuan PRD 73, (2006) sensitive to higher-twist effect at high q T ~ Q Sivers effect and higher-twist effect provide the same description of SSA on Drell-Yan at moderate q T : QCD << q T << Q similar for SSA on semi-inclusive DIS: hep-ph/ –Sivers function in Drell-Yan is expected to have a sign opposite to that in DIS
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop19 Polarized Drell-Yan A N measurement Theory calculation by Ji, Qiu, Vogelsang and Yuan based on Sivers function fit of HERMES data (Vogelsang and Yuan: PRD 72, (2005)) 1000 fb -1 (120-day run), 75% polarization, no dilution factor 4 < M + - < 5 GeV integrated over q T
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop20 Polarized (and unpol.) Drell-Yan A TT measurement –transversity Boer-Mulders function by unpol. Drell-Yan –angular distribution of unpolarized Drell-Yan –correlation between transverse quark spin and quark transverse momentum
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop21 Polarized (and unpol.) Drell-Yan Boer-Mulders function by unpol. Drell-Yan –Lam-Tung relation reflect the spin-1/2 nature of quarks –violation of the Lam-Tung relation suggests non- perturbative origin L.Y. Zhu,J.C. Peng, P. Reimer et al., hep-ex/ With Boer-Mulders function h 1 ┴ : ν(π - W µ + µ - X)~valence h 1 ┴ (π)*valence h 1 ┴ (p) ν(pd µ+µ-X)~valence h 1 ┴ (p)*sea h 1 ┴ (p)
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop22 Towards the goal 30 GeV 50 GeV unpolarized polarized target polarized beam –polarized beam study by BNL & KEK groups –possible locations of partial snakes in MR First 30% snakeSecond 30% snake
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop23 Physics at 30 GeV J/ –gluon fusion or quark-pair annihilation –quark-pair annihilation dominant must be confirmed experimentally… similar physics topics as Drell-Yan process eqeq J/ calculations by color-evaporation model
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop24 Physics at 30 GeV SSA measurement of open charm production –no single-spin transfer to the final state –sensitive to initial state effect: Sivers effect –collider energies: gluon- fusion dominant sensitive to gluon Sivers effect –fixed-target energies: quark- pair annihilation dominant sinsitive to quark Sivers effect J-PARC: E lab = 50 GeV M. Anselmino, U. D’Alesio, F. Murgia, et al. RHIC: s = 200 GeV
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop25 Summary J-PARC will start operation at 30 GeV for hadron-hall users in JFY 2008 Possible high-momentum beam-line for primary beam users in JFY 2011 Proposal of the dimuon experiment has been submitted to the J-PARC PAC –deferred at the 1 st J-PARC PAC, June 30 – July 2, 2006 –to be resubmitted for the 3 rd J-PARC PAC, July 6 – 7, 2007 to get a stage-1 approval (scientific approval) It has rich unpolarized and polarized programs –flavor asymmetry of the sea-quark distribution –orbital angular momentum in the nucleon –transversity, etc. –J/ and charm physics with 30 GeV beam Your participation and collaboration, suggestions of measurements and theoretical calculations are very welcome
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June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop27 J-PARC facility Hadron Experimental Facility Number of Users: about 600 (about 1/3 from Japan) September, 2005
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop28 Hadron experimental hall (phase 1) Beam Dump A-Line Experimental Area Test Beam (on the guide rail for Phase 2) beamlines for secondary beam experiments at the beginning of the phase1 area for primary beam experiments
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop29 Dimuon experiment Fermilab E866/NuSea –closed geometry Fermilab E lab = 800 GeV 2×10 12 protons / 20 sec
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop30 Experimental apparatus –based on the Fermilab spectrometer for 800 GeV, the length can be reduced but the aperture has to be increased –two vertically bending magnets with p T kick of 2.47 GeV/c and 0.5 GeV/c –tracking is provided by three stations of MWPC and drift chambers –muon id and tracking are provided –2x GeV protons/spill tapered copper beam dump and Cu/C absorbers placed within the first magnet
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop31 Simulation studies Expected Drell-Yan counts for a two-month p+d run at 50 GeV –2x10 12 protons/spill –50-cm long liquid deuterium target –assume 50 percent overall efficiency
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop32 D-meson –silicon detectors to identify second decay vertex –yield study 10 9 proton/sec beam 10% target 2×10 33 cm -2 sec -1 × 1 week = 10 3 pb -1 acceptance 0.05 – 0.3 to cover forward/mid- rapidity/backward xFxF xFxF 11 pTpT 1.5 GeV/c p T > 1.5 GeV/c D 0 yield 5.5×10 6 D 0 for 10 3 pb -1
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop33 Polarized proton acceleration at J- PARC –50 GeV polarized protons for slow extracted beam primary fixed target experiments –low intensity (~ ppp), low emittance (10 mm mrad) beams Pol. H - Source 180/400 MeV Polarimeter Rf Dipole 25-30% Helical Partial Siberian Snakes pC CNI Polarimeter Extracted Beam Polarimeter Thomas Roser (BNL), et al.
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop34 Polarized proton acceleration at J- PARC Intrinsic resonances in RCS emittance: 10 mm-mrad, 95% repetition rate 25Hz sinusoidal ramping kinetic energy: 180MeV – 3GeV intrinsic resonance strength for a particle at an emittance of 10 mm-mrad Full spin flip by a rf dipole =2.33x10 -5 =6.18x10 -5 =7.63x10 -5 =6.60x10 -5 Fast tune jump? Mei Bai (BNL)
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop35 Polarized proton acceleration at J- PARC Spin tracking in 50 GeV MR Alfredo Luccio (BNL) average of 12 particles on an ellipse of 4 mm- mrad
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop36 Polarized target Michigan polarized target –existing at KEK –target thickness ~3 cm (1% target) –maybe operational with ppp (luminosity ~10 34 cm -2 s -1 )
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop37 Physics at 30 GeV –cross section PYTHIA (6.228) study with PHENIX tune ( = 1.5 GeV/c, M c = 1.25 GeV/c 2, K-factor = 3.5, Q 2 = s) J-PARC: 3-4 order smaller cross section than that at RHIC –can be compensated by higher intensity/luminosity at J-PARC… consistent at fixed-target region, too smaller yield (same result as Laurenco’s study) Wohri and Lourenco
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop38 Electron-pair experiment E16 experiment at J- PARC –search for nuclear- matter effect in production –covering backward production of electron- positron pairs
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop39 SSA measurements Neutron –large asymmetry found at RHIC –production mechanism of neutron one-pion exchange dominant – spin flip figures for study in DIS exps. (HERA), please replace virtual photon with proton to apply them for pp reaction –asymmetry measurement sensitive to interference between spin-flip term (one-pion exchange) and non-spinflip term (other reggeon exchanges)
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop40 SSA measurements –neutron-tagged measurement measure A N of coincident particles at BBC at PHENIX forward neutron, forward BBC, left-right –( 4.50 0.50 0.22) 10 2 < 0 forward neutron, backward BBC, left-right –(2.28 0.55 0.10) 10 2 > 0 –asymmetry in the forward BBC has the same sign while backward particle has opposite sign A N p N*( *) n+X Y A N (X) 0 p n X A N (X) > 0, A N (Y)?? initial-state effect - favored final-state effect
June 15, 2007ECT* Workshop41 SSA measurements –neutron-tagged measurement of Drell-Yan pair… Jen-Chieh Peng’s calculation expecting sensitivity to the meson cloud model, and measurement of pion structure