Sales Representative Software Training
Overview o We use a web-based software program accessible by any computer, tablet, or smartphone with an internet connection o No need to install software o Accessible either via or from our website at o Need a Site ID, Username, and Password (provided by us) to log in to system
Login Screen
Home Page When you log in you will see the Home Page:
Home Page Functions o A greeting to let you know you’ve logged in successfully o Alerting if something important deserves your immediate attention. These include: - Low Medication Inventory levels - Medications set to expire - Any username information is missing ( , phone #, etc.) Here is an example…
Home Page Alerts
Training Outline 1)Dispensing medication to patients 2)Running reports 3)Accessing prior dispenses and patients 4)Making changes to prior dispenses (if necessary) 5)Checking inventory 6)Adding meds to inventory (when they arrive)
Dispensing Meds to Patients Requires 3 Simple Steps: 1.Fill in the Patient Information/Demographics form 2.Use the “Shopping Cart” to select prescribed med(s) 3.Checkout and Print Pharmacy labels (OTC-only accounts do not need to print labels)
o Fields in RED are required for billing. This is the LEAST amount of info necessary to keep the process simple, quick and effective. o Notice the “Language” field, which gives us the option of printing out instructions to Spanish speaking patients. Although this is not a required field, many offices have found this to be very helpful for their patients. Step 1: Patient Info/Demographics The “lengthiest” part of the entire process
o Has the ability to export from existing EMR database and import into our system for convenience. o After initial dispense, each patient is remembered and easily accessible for follow up appointments. o For return patients, simply enter patient last name in the search bar and scroll down to corresponding patient and click. The fields below will fill and you will instantly be ready to proceed to the next step. o When all required fields (and any helpful optional fields) are filled, we move to step 2 by scrolling to the bottom and clicking “Proceed to Cart”. Patient Info/Demographics
o The cart functions similarly to an online shopping cart (ie o When medications are selected, they drop into the cart, where you can see which meds are about to be dispensed. This allows you to verify that the correct meds are selected before finalizing the dispense o To search your inventory and Select the medications, simply click the ‘Browse: Inventory’ link below the search bar (please ignore the search bar and barcode map) Step 2: Workman’s Comp Cart
Browse: Inventory
o This will lead to your existing inventory, from which you can select the rx med(s) o To select any medication, click the shopping cart icon to the right of the med o This will input that particular medication into the shopping cart Inventory
o To select another, repeat the process by clicking ‘Browse: Inventory’ again o NOTE: Medrox requires 2 bottles, so it’s VERY important that you go back into inventory and grab select another bottle so that the full 30 day supply is dispensed. Never dispense below or above two Medrox at a time!! Selecting Medications
o Now that you have selected all the prescribed medications, it is time to finalize the dispense. o To do this, first check your Cart to make sure you have the accurate medications and accurate amounts of each. o Once everything looks correct, click the “Checkout” button at the bottom center of the screen. This finalizes the dispense and leads to the “Checkout” page. Selecting Medications
Once you have reached the “Dispense: Checkout” page, you can either: o Print out pharmacy labels o Hand the patient OTC med Info sheet (provided by us) Step 3: Checkout & Printing Labels
o Once labels are printed: Peel label off and attach to bottle Tear perforation at center Hand bottom of page to patient along with the labeled medications o Extra labeled stickers are provided for any additional record keeping the office may have. o Dispense complete! Print Pharmacy Labels
Dispense: Checkout Overview o The “Dispense: Checkout” page is very important. It allows us to: Access and change patient information (if necessary) Access each dispense, either by individual medication or by entire dispense Modify a prior dispense, or void it entirely if a mistake has been made (more on this later) o It is best to think of this page as the “Portal” for each completed dispense. o Once a prior dispense is accessed, this is the page you will see. This is the functional place for any change to a dispense that needs to be made (any reprint, records, demographics, label reprints, etc.) o You will understand as the training continues….
Running Reports o Physician groups find our reporting capabilities quite useful o Having the option to check varying reports is a great function to offer physicians who enjoy knowing the details of their dispensing activity o However, you may find that some physicians do not care to see the specifics of their program
o Orders/Dispenses: allows you to not only view the dispensing activity of your office, but also to access any prior dispense that you have created o You may set different protocols: By day: Today, yesterday By Week: this week, last week By date Range: January 9, 2011 to January 13, 2011 o Note: Be sure the bubble is filled next to the corresponding selection Most “Useful” Report
List of Specified Dispenses
o The ‘Reports’ tab outlines each report available along with a short description of what that report is. o This makes it very easy to understand what each report demonstrates o Browse the reports when you can, get a feel for what information the system has to offer your practice. Other Reports
Accessing Prior Dispenses & Patients o Dispenses are accessed via the Reports Orders/Dispenses route o By selecting appropriate date range, as previously mentioned, you can easily find the dispense you were looking for. o Here you can change patient information or prior dispenses if a mistake has been made (NOTE: must be done within 48 hours since claims are typically billed out 2 business days after dispense)
Making Changes o Changes can be made to patient information and dispenses (if necessary) o First find the dispense (Reports Orders/Dispenses) o To change certain parts of a prior dispense, click the 6-digit dispense number to the right
Will Lead You Here… Look Familiar?
o Click ‘Void Entire Order’ under “Post Order Processing” box VOID Order and Start Over
o This will add it to your office’s activity log o For example, type in “Error” or “Mistake” if you made a mistake and need to redo the dispense o Leave boxes checked so the medication returns to the software’s inventory count Provide Reason for Void
o Once you voided the dispense, you will notice the Rx Numbers are crossed out. o They are never “Erased” (for legal reasons) but you can tell that a dispense occurred and needed to be voided for one reason or another. Voided Items
o For example, a patient moves or changes insurance coverage o To correctly bill out for that claim, these changes need to be reflected within the system o This is VERY easy to do o Click on the ‘Patients’ tab right under the “Rx” on our logo o Type patient last name into search bar o Click on correct patient’s name to be directed to the patient demographics page, where the info can be changed then stored… Changing Patient Info
‘Patients” Tab
Patients: Edit Patient o This is where changes are made if necessary… o From here you click ‘Save’ towards the bottom left side, you can continue to dispense to this patient (with the info updated) by clicking ‘Dispense’ o Also shows previous orders, you can print the patient’s chart, or look at all the prescriptions this patient had been given
Checking Inventory o You can see how much of each medication is in your inventory by clicking ‘Inventory’ tab o Leads you to a page with all the medications in your inventory, arranged and grouped by LOT #
o Meds are manufactured and shipped in Lots (Groups) and are shipped out in these groups o You will notice what looks like duplicate inventory, this is because the same (single) medication may have been shipped out in several Lots o For example, we see that our inventory contains 15 Lorazepam (Ativan), made up of a Lot containing 14 and another Lot containing 1, totaling 15 Why Lot Numbers?
o This is why it is important when dispensing to find the Lot number on the bottle and match it to the Lot number you will be pulling from the inventory o Allows accurate weekly inventory reporting to the State, which our software sends to report inventory levels of your pharmacy o Basically, assuming all of this is followed, it allows the government to monitor medication from when it is manufactured to when/who it is prescribed o That’s what Lot #s are for! Proper Inventory Management
o By agreeing to work with us, the physician allows us to order medications on the behalf of your practice, in order to maintain steady inventory levels. o This allows the staff to not continually focus/stress over inventory monitoring. o The doctor can elect to have his staff order or give us permission to order on their behalf based on predetermined low level inventory thresholds. o Reps will perform a monthly inventory audit to confirm inventory monitoring remains accurate. o All that we ask of you to do is VERIFY when the medications have arrived, since we have no control (or physical presence) to verify this ourselves. o Luckily, this is also very simple and takes seconds to do.. Adding Meds to Inventory (Upon Arrival)
o The dispensing staff member should continually pay attention to medication arrivals that have been shipped into the office. o If the doctor is usually the one who does this, communicate with him/her regarding HOW you will be able to know WHAT has arrived. o For instance, either open the packaging yourself and see which meds have arrived, or if the doctor does this, set up the process in which he/she is accountable for telling you exactly which ones have arrived WHEN they have arrived. o If the doctor has any issues with this, please have them contact Account Management at o Otherwise, it is wise to designate this to ONLY the dispensing staff members… to ensure that arriving meds do not slip into your physical inventory without being accounted for in the software inventory. (If this were to happen, the inventory monitoring/reordering process will become inaccurate, causing a surplus of medications to be ordered.. Not good!!) Adding Meds to Inventory – The Process
o Go to the ‘Inventory’ tab, click ‘Add Shipment’ Adding Meds to Inventory – The Process
o Here you will see all the shipments that have been shipped out, along with previous shipments that have been added o Click the ‘Add Items’ link next to the shipments that do not have a checkmark (indicating they’ve been added) o This will then drop the meds into the inventory. Once the check mark indicates the shipment was added, you’re done! Adding Meds to Inventory – The Process
o It is very important that this process be implemented and followed for arriving medication. o It allows for us to accurately order and maintain your inventory with minimal participation from staff. o All that we ask is you confirm that the shipments have been received by following the steps just outlined. Final Notes
Congratulations… You now know the Dispensing Software!