Vote for Tabitha Sim As Vice-Head Councillor
Who is Tabitha Sim? Year: Primary 5 Year: Primary 5 Birthday:26 May Birthday:26 May I comes from a family of five and has two older sisters. I comes from a family of five and has two older sisters. My belief: Friendship is love for others. My belief: Friendship is love for others.
Leadership Qualities and Strengths Leadership Qualities: I have been in the Prefectorial Board/Student Council for 2 years. Strengths: I am cheerful and thoughtful. I take the initiative to help others in need. Vice Head Councillor Candidate:Tabitha Sim
What would I do if I am elected as VHC? I will have more opportunities to be a caring leader who leads with confidence. I will also listen to the voices of my schoolmates and lead with integrity. I hope to serve in the NE ambassador committee and take the opportunity to serve faithfully, cheerfully and to the best of my ability. Vice Head Councillor Candidate:Tabitha Sim
Thank You and may God bless you! Pleases Vote For TABITHA SIM as your Vice Head Councillor!