High School Social Studies Performance Assessment
The Big Idea Imperialism Imperialism –"Cultures continue to evolve, clash, and disappear due to imperialism in today’s global society and the overwhelming influence of corporate and cultural America."
Assessment Planning Goals… Students will understand cause and effect of Imperialism. Students will understand cause and effect of Imperialism. Students will understand the shaping of societies in the world based on Imperialism. Students will understand the shaping of societies in the world based on Imperialism. Students will determine whether imperialism had more benefit for the countries doing the colonizing or the countries being colonized. Students will determine whether imperialism had more benefit for the countries doing the colonizing or the countries being colonized. Role of the Student… Students will work in groups of four. Students will work in groups of four. Groups will create a poster relating to imperialism in a particular region of the world. Groups will create a poster relating to imperialism in a particular region of the world. After each group has created their poster, each group member will be responsible for writing an essay related to their group’s poster. After each group has created their poster, each group member will be responsible for writing an essay related to their group’s poster.
Assessment Planning Audience… The teacher will be the primary audience for this assessment to assure mastery in understanding what imperialism is and who received the most benefit from imperialism. Group posters will be displayed and shared for the entire class The teacher will be the primary audience for this assessment to assure mastery in understanding what imperialism is and who received the most benefit from imperialism. Group posters will be displayed and shared for the entire class Situation… Students will be taken to the school’s library to help assist with research, followed by a day of group work in class. Class time devoted to the writing of individual essays shall be provided periodically, however, students are encouraged to be a self-directed, independent learner in providing a quality essay. Students will be taken to the school’s library to help assist with research, followed by a day of group work in class. Class time devoted to the writing of individual essays shall be provided periodically, however, students are encouraged to be a self-directed, independent learner in providing a quality essay.
The Performance Assessment… Presentation Essay Poster
Rubric Criteria Poster Poster –Names, Pictures, and Evidence –Identification of (2) Historical Figures –Motives Written in Complete Sentences –(3) Illustrations –Preparedness Essay Essay –Clear Thesis Statement –Specific Examples are Cited as Evidence –Proper Use and Citation of Primary Documents –Content Mastery –All References Properly Cited
In Conclusion… Imperialism is a very relevant topic to students in High School students but is glossed over all too often. Imperialism is a very relevant topic to students in High School students but is glossed over all too often. Group work is the best way to engage the students initially. They can then work from a collective experience to better understand imperialism. Group work is the best way to engage the students initially. They can then work from a collective experience to better understand imperialism. Each student will develop an appropriate amount of background knowledge to help analyze who benefitted from imperialism. Each student will develop an appropriate amount of background knowledge to help analyze who benefitted from imperialism. This experience helped us (teachers) better understand how to put together a great student centered assessment. This experience helped us (teachers) better understand how to put together a great student centered assessment.