Joey Wiseman Social Studies Coordinator WVDE.  Name  School  What you teach.


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Presentation transcript:

Joey Wiseman Social Studies Coordinator WVDE

 Name  School  What you teach

 Shifting from passive to active learning  Engaging students  Creating opportunity for inquiry  Constructing knowledge  Defining standards-based teaching

 Select one item that appeals to you.  Return to your seat and take a closer look.

I think _____________________because _______________________________ _______________________________.

 Move around and find a partner who has an item with a similar theme or idea.  Now, organize yourselves in groups of 5 with the same theme. Discuss the rationale for your connection.  Create a newspaper headline which reflects your connection.  Sit with your group  Share and Justify

 Assimilation of Native Americans through Education  Baseball: Across a Divided Society  Children’s Lives at the Turn of the 20 th Century  The Constitution  Westward Expansion  Women’s Suffrage  Japanese American Internment during WWII  The NAACP: A Century in the Fight for Freedom

I think _____________________because _______________________________ _______________________________.

TEACHERS:ADMINISTRATORS:  What are the basic elements of this strategy?  Which ones apply to your grade level?  What adjustments might you need to make for your students? (Make sure you don’t eliminate the rigor.)  For what evidence will you be looking?  What is the evidence of student learning?  What is the role of the teacher?  How is this different than what is currently occurring in your school(s)?  What structures do I have in place that prevent this from being done?  What can I do to make this type of teaching/learning occur?

what teachers cover a description of what students should KNOW, UNDERSTAND, and DO

Objectives: Students will…

 This session is NOT about new activities or strategies; it’s about using your standards and objectives correctly and building DEEP, RICH understandings!

 In the advent of the development and mass adoption of the common core state standards for English language arts and mathematics, state and local agencies have now expressed a need to the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO or the Council) for assistance as they upgrade existing social studies standards to meet the practical goal of preparing young people for effective and successful participation in college, careers, and civic life.

 WVDE only posts in PDF now. Word Version may be found on Secretary of State’s site.  Link to this may be found on social studies website:   Teachers resource page on this site is full of resources.

 This stands for example. It is not something that is required to be taught. In some cases the document is not even the document that goes along with that time in history, however this is only to show you the types of things that would be appropriate.  If you see bullets then they are required.  Review the Standards and Objectives for your grade level.

In what ways are these Next Generation CSOs different from the ones you most recently used?

 Discuss where you found evidence of students needing to observe, think, discuss and investigate.

See – Think - Wonder

 Groups of 3 take a packet.  Inside you will find: A document or artifact Primary Source Analysis Sheet from the National Archives Now each group will complete their Analysis sheet. Now tape your Document to the center of chart paper and at the top state one claim you can make from your document and at the bottom write one question you still have.

 Share…

I used to think _______________, but now _______________________________ _______________________________.

 Consider your CSOs  What evidence will you accept?  Is there more than one way to demonstrate understanding?  How will you collect it?

TEACHERS:ADMINISTRATORS:  What are the basic elements of this strategy?  Which ones apply to your grade level?  What adjustments might you need to make for your students? (Make sure you don’t eliminate the rigor.)  For what evidence will you be looking?  What is the evidence of student learning?  What is the role of the teacher?  How is this different than what is currently occurring in your school(s)?  What structures do I have in place that prevent this from being done?  What can I do to make this type of teaching/learning occur?

A Acquisition B Application C Assimilation D Adaptation KNOWLEDGE TAXONOMY Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering APPLICATION MODEL KnowledgeApply in discipline Apply across disciplines Apply to real world predictable situations Apply to real-world unpredictable situations



Look at reading and writing standards and come up with a list of events that already take place in your classrooms that meet these expectations. Share…

“The ideal result of standards implementation will be to move classroom teaching away from a focus on worksheets, drill-and-memorize activities, and elaborate test-coaching programs, and toward engaging, challenging curriculum that supports content acquisition through a range of instructional modes and techniques, including many that develop student cognitive strategies.” David T. Conley

 Electronic Resource Packages have been realigned to the Next Generation Standards. sr/I_menu.cfm?CFID= &CFTOKE N= sr/I_menu.cfm?CFID= &CFTOKE N=  We are also in the process or realigning all Instructional Guides, Unit Plans, and PBL’s as well.

 History Clusters are the big Ideas around each year of Instruction  The majority of objectives will not be taught in isolation.  There are some skills and other objectives that are true stand-alone objectives.  Civics, Geography, Economics and Literacy should be combined around the history clusters.  Participants will choose the grade level they work with most often and will attempt to chunk Civics, Geography, and Economics objectives around the history clusters. These objectives may be used multiple times among the clusters.**  **Note: Civics does not have history clusters so they have to create their own clusters.

 National Archives ns/worksheets/ ns/worksheets/  PBS heprize/story/07_c.html heprize/story/07_c.html  Teacher Resources Library of Congress # #