Social Studies Review TeXes Carol Klages, Ph.D.
Social Studies Content 36% of exam Standards IV-X Incorporates: HistoryGovernment GeographyCitizenship EconomicsCulture Science, Technology, and Society
Significant Historical Events Westward Movement Invasions Conquests Colonization Civil War American Revolution Texas Independence
Primary versus Secondary Sources PRIMARY First-hand Oral Photos Journal Letters Secondary Someone’s version of what happened Newspaper articles Textbooks
Geography Longitude (up/down) Latitude (around) Region (a defined part of area) Physical Environment (terrain, type of climate, etc.) Absolute location (locate any point on the earth’s surface)
Geography cont. Relative location (refer to the location of one place in terms of other places, e.g.; Victoria is south of Edna) Cardinal Rose (n,s,e,w) Scale (measure distance) Read maps
Map Skills Know Symbols Scale Direction Interpret Information
Government US Constitution Bill of Rights Power of Governments Political Systems Majority/Minority Rights Voters Informed Decisions
Government cont. Electoral Contests Executive Branch Judicial Branch Legislative Branch Marbury v. Madison Formal constitutional changes Federalism
Economics Command Economy Market Economy Opportunity Cost Consumers Division of Labor Production Process Resources
Texas Economy Oil Cattle Tourism
Citizenship Rights (vote, participate) Responsibilities (vote, participate, taxes) Customs Symbols Bill of Rights Different points of view
Citizenship cont. Democracy Voluntary participation Effective leadership Persuasion Debate
Culture Traditions Beliefs Role of family Oral tradition, music, art, etc Mythical heroes Acceptance of culture Roles of men, women in past
Culture cont. 4-8 only Diversity but unity 19 th century reforms Impact of religion
Science, Technology, and Society How technology is used at home, school, businesses How scientific discoveries affected life