Welcome to 6B! 7:45-8:10 Pick out a locker and unload your supplies. If you wish to label your locker, I have paper and tape on the back book shelf. You may sit anywhere until seats are assigned. Welcome each other back. Enjoy!
Things to Know Now 1. Listen to directions 2. Follow directions 3. Pay attention this week. By next week lets have this down. (Realistic ) 4. Locker Rules 5. Electives 6. Schedules/Lunch 7. Planners 8. Have a Great Day!
Social Studies Course Procedures Immaculata Catholic School Mr. Duffy
Mr. Duffy’s Golden Rule Be where you are supposed to be. When you are supposed to be there. Doing what you are supposed to be doing.
Beginning Class 1.Find your seat and get out the appropriate materials for the start of class. 2.Quietly follow the instructions on the overhead screen or ink board. 3.Work quickly through the introductory activity. (Ex: Warm-up Activity, Homework Quiz, etc.)
Assignment Headings First, Last Name (Upper left, first line) Subject- Class # Date (##/##/##) Assignment Name
Absent Students Check my soon to be announced website for homework assignments and class notes. Check absent folder upon returning to class for handouts. (Located at Mr. Duffy’s work area) Make arrangements to meet with your study partner(s). – Get missing notes/announcements – Take care of this outside of class or during quiet study time.
Late Work 1.You will lose 10% per day that an assignment is late. 2.Make sure your first and last name is on the assignment. 3.Place assignment in box in Mr. Duffy’s work area.
Cheating/Plagiarism Cheating is prohibited and includes both parties involved in the copying of work. Please cite all outside research material used for assignments. Use standard school citation.
Electronic Devices Prohibited Cell phones, I-Pods and cameras are not allowed on school grounds. Turn them off. Confiscated electronics are to be sent down to the office and can only be retrieved by a parent or guardian.